Reframe: From The God We've Made…To God With UsSampel

Reframe: From The God We've Made…To God With Us


Rethinking The Box

Often we approach the idea of a relationship with God using different criteria than we would any other relationship in our lives. We’re created to be relational beings, but relating to God feels somehow different. There seem to be more rules, and some of them we don’t fully understand. We believe He loves us, but we’re often left wondering where we stand with Him. The relationship feels like it’s predicated on special conditions, like we need to make sure we read all of the fine print. But is this how it works?

A relationship that looks more like a contractual agreement than a life-giving collaboration is no relationship at all. It certainly isn’t enough to perpetuate the relationship or a place God would want to live. Jesus spoke of this in a confrontation with Jewish religious leaders found in John’s Gospel:

"You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life." (John 5:39-40)

The religious leaders, in an attempt to protect their traditions and faith in the Mosaic law, were blinded to the fact that God Himself was standing right in front of them. They were so entrenched in getting their belief system correct so that God would relate to them, they missed the fact that God was right there relating to them in person.

So maybe it’s not God who has made this so complicated. Maybe we’ve turned Him into something He’s not. Maybe we’ve tried to create God in our own image and then attempted to force Him to be who we want or need Him to be. But life-giving, collaborative relationships only work when two people have permission to be who they are. One of the beautiful things we find in the gospel of Jesus is that we are allowed to come as we are into the relationship. Do we reciprocate this? Are we allowing God to come as He is? Or do we continue to force Him into little theological boxes?

Hari 1Hari 3

Perihal Pelan

Reframe: From The God We've Made…To God With Us

Taken from his best-selling book “Reframe,” Brian Hardin unpacks the often-overlooked core of the Gospel—a relationship with God. For many, a “personal relationship with Jesus” is nothing more than the gift we are given at the doorway of faith. We have it, but we don’t know what to do with it. Reframe helps us understand what this relationship is NOT so that we can find the breathtaking beauty of what it could be.
