Loving everyone

As Christians we are called to love all our brothers and sisters. This is helpful to remember as we go about our day to day lives. This truth is also helpful to remember when we go to church each week. This passage reminds us that we don’t go to church to make friends. Rather, we go to church to serve and love your brothers and sisters. And as we love others, these relationships can often turn into the unlikeliest of friendships. In the name of love you may start reading the Bible one-to-one with someone who is really different to you. When I was a student minister I decided to read the Bible one-to-one with a girl from church who I had absolutely nothing in common with. We really were like chalk and cheese. But as we spent the year reading God’s word together we became closer and closer, and she is now a friend. 

Question Are there people at church who you have nothing in common with but because of Jesus’ command to love one another you have become friends? How can you encourage others to love and serve their brothers and sisters?  How can you model loving your brothers and sisters to those around you? 

Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, please give me strength to love all my brothers and sisters. Thank you for the privilege it is to serve alongside our brothers and sisters. If it is your will, please turn these relationships into loving friendships. Amen. 

Hari 13

Perihal Pelan


In a world that is broken and lonely, how do we think about friendship? Through this series we will see that friendship is a great gift from God to his people. We will see that the Bible points people to Jesus and helps them grow in obedience to him.
