Running From The HeartSampel

Running From The Heart



A friend loves at all times. (Proverbs 17:17)

“My friends and family are precious to me, I am thankful and eternally grateful for them...

When my friends meet me, I want them to meet Jesus! I see that my friends are a gift from God and loving them is a form of worship unto the Lord.” 

Rebecca loved her friends! The lovely thing about her friendships was that they were not just about her but about allowing the Holy Spirit to touch people through her. Judging by the hundreds of letters received after she went home, her friends were inspired and encouraged by their sweet friendship with Rebecca.

Two of Rebecca’s friends wrote,

“Rebecca’s faith, kindness and strength, in the midst of her own grief, impressed me so much that I renewed my faith.”

“Not many people have the talent to make you feel that you are more important to them than themselves. Rebecca had it! It made my day when I saw her. Thank you, Lord, for the gift of Rebecca’s friendship.”

It moved me to tears to find lists of friends and family in her journals that were loved and prayed for! Rebecca was a very loyal friend.


Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. (John 15:13-14) 

The Holy Spirit working in your life will guide you in how to become a loyal and faithful friend. 

If you have never met Jesus Christ and would like to have a relationship with the perfect friend, as your Savior, I invite you to say this prayer to invite Him into your heart: 

Lord Jesus, please forgive me, have mercy on me, I’m sorry for all the wrong things I have done. I ask you to come into my heart and I choose to believe and to receive the everlasting life you purchased for me on the cross. Please fill my heart with your pure love, to follow you. Amen. 

P.S. This is a life-changing step. Tell someone!

If you do know Jesus as your friend, let your sweet friendships be a fragrant offering unto Him. You are truly blessed to be a blessing.

Passing the Baton: 

When your friends meet you, may they meet Jesus. 


Pray for 3 friends: Dear God, I pray for [insert your friend’s name] and please give me a way to bless them today. Amen. 

Hari 12Hari 14

Perihal Pelan

Running From The Heart

Running from the Heart was written from the broken heart of a mother as a legacy to her beautiful daughter, Rebecca, who unexpectedly, was called home to Heaven. Each devotional is based on Rebecca's journal entries that speak of a life well lived. We pray that each devotional will inspire you on your own spiritual journey, to live a courageous life for Jesus Christ.
