[Nehemiah] Now Is The TimeSampel

[Nehemiah] Now Is The Time


Pleading and Interceding

Nehemiah seeks favor with the king. He reminds God that the people for whom he is praying are those who, in times past, God himself had rescued by his might and power. In essence, Nehemiah is saying, "Do it again, Lord. Do it again for me." He intercedes not only for the people back in Jerusalem but also on behalf of his fellow intercessors. What a big heart! He pleads with God to answer their prayer as well because together, as believers, they have a singular aim—to see Jerusalem restored.

Do you join others in praying for issues that are close to their hearts? The Bible says that when two or more gather in the name of Jesus and petition him concerning their needs, he will be there to bless them. What blessings are you seeking for your city and its people? Are there other groups with whom you are sharing your petitions?


What past victories can you recall? Will you ask God to do it again for you? With whom are you seeking favor? Have you petitioned God for help?


Join a rally that supports a cause that is close to your heart. It is time to act and be proactive after God's time of prayer and guidance.


Lord, I intercede even now for those who are imprisoned by physical bars. I intercede, too, for those who have become imprisoned by sin. I pray, Lord, for their complete freedom. Use me, Lord, to bring to reality a solution to the crisis in my city, just as you used Nehemiah.

Hari 3Hari 5

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[Nehemiah] Now Is The Time

This the first Bible plan of a 7-day journey through the book of Nehemiah of this series, that will inspire your church to take action in your city. Sometimes bad news catches us totally off guard and reduces us to tears. We don't have to search the media for bad news about our city. God wants us to act, but he desires that we come to him first, in prayer.


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