Creatures of Habit: Prayer Sampel

Creatures of Habit: Prayer


Prayer: The Humility of The Habit 

In prayer we get to talk with the very Creator of the Universe. The Creator of the moon and stars, the oceans and the mountains, and the Creator of you and me. Our innermost being is not hidden to him. He knows us better than we even know ourselves. Furthermore, he is powerful. Even the wind and the waves obey his commands, so make no mistake, he is in control. 

Which makes our desire for control one of the most profound ironies of the human condition. We grasp for control, only to find it a burden too great to bear. 

When we begin to accept this, we can humbly approach God in prayer. We can go to him with our joys and our sufferings - the hurts, hang-ups, fears, and anxieties can all be cast onto our God who cares and is in control. Graciously, we do not have to be in control, God holds it all.

And amazingly, entering the habit of prayer with humility fosters the habit, and then the habit fosters more humility. It is a beautiful cycle. Humility can become a rhythm within a rhythm. 

Humility fosters connection with God in prayer and is also a blessed result of that connection. 

Our humility in prayer is also deeply connected to our ability to listen in prayer. Psalm 46:10 NIV says, “ still and know that I am God...” Be still. Take a deep breath. Embrace a moment of rest and stillness. God is in control, listen and trust. 

Part of a healthy rhythm and habit of prayer comes from cultivating space in our lives to rest in the goodness of God. To experience the stillness and know that God is in control. We do not have to have all the answers. 

Imagine talking to one of your closest friends. As stories are shared, you have opportunities to speak and to listen. Why should it be any different with God? So today, take some time in prayer to be still. Know that he is God. Trust him. Submit even when it is hard, and rest in the knowledge that he is good.

  • What is one area of your life you are trying to control?
  • How can you create space to be still?

Today read Romans 8:22-28, Psalm 86:11-13, and Psalm 46:10 and rest in God’s greatness and goodness.

Hari 4Hari 6

Perihal Pelan

Creatures of Habit: Prayer

We are creatures of habit, and our habits are powerful forces. Habits like praying, studying the Word of God, confessing, and fasting are not just items on a checklist. These habits have the power to change us. In this seven-day reading plan come explore the habit of prayer and celebrate the hope that it can bring to our lives!


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