A Man Just Like MeSampel

A Man Just Like Me



Devotional Content:

I have read the book of James many times. It’s interesting how something in Scripture can jump out at me and grab a hold of me like I am reading it for the first time. That’s what this verse did. In James 5:17, “Elijah was as human as we are …” What does that even mean? This is Elijah we are talking about. This is the guy that called down fire, stopped rain, started rain, and did a lot of other amazing things in his life. He climbed to the top of a mountain to talk to God and God listened. And somehow, he is like me?

Since I believe the Bible is the word of God, I could not just blow off this verse. It says that I am like Elijah, but that is not something I can even begin to get my mind around. What am I missing? What are we all missing? I’m not completely sure but this is what I am learning. Elijah did two things really well. First, he had an amazing faith. Whatever he knew God wanted him to do, he did. There was no second guessing or running away. I’m really good at doing what God wants me to do if it is what I want to do, but I’m not always good at doing what I don’t really want to do. I need Elijah’s faith. I need that level of trusting God. Second, Elijah listened really well to God. There is a verse that says God spoke to Elijah in a still, small voice. Elijah did not miss what God had to say to him. He listened. I think I can miss God’s voice. I guess I think that if He wants to talk to me that He will use a loud, booming voice, not a whisper. Yet, what if He is whispering and I miss the whisper? Isn’t a whisper from God as important as a loud voice from Him? If I am letting the distractions of life get between me and God, I might just miss the whisper.

So here’s my new affirmation. Elijah was human and I am human. The Amplified version of the Bible says Elijah was a man with a nature like ours; “with the same physical, mental, and spiritual limitations and shortcomings,” James 5:17. I can do everything and anything that God asks me to do. I have the same power that Elijah had. I believe Him and I listen to Him no matter what! I am human like Elijah was and I really like that truth.

Today’s Challenge:

What are you missing by not listening to God?

Going Deeper:

Set aside 10 minutes a day for the next month. In that time, pray for God to grow your faith and ask Him to help you hear His voice even if it is a whisper.

15 Daily Prayers For Your Wife

If you are looking for more ways to grow as a husband I would love to offer you 15 Daily Prayers For Your Wife. Take time to pray daily for your wife and call upon the One who can create real change in her life. This tool makes it easy to pray big prayers daily for your wife.

Hari 2

Perihal Pelan

A Man Just Like Me

In this three-part plan, Dr. Kim uses examples from the life of the prophet Elijah to describe how God worked through him to accomplish His purposes. Yet, in reality this amazing prophet Elijah was a man just like you. God had a plan for Elijah and He has a plan for you. This plan will help you connect with God in ways that you probably never have before.
