Flourish in Your Calling: Exploring God's Ultimate CallSampel

Flourish in Your Calling: Exploring God's Ultimate Call


Day 5

The Promise

Pursuing our callings can be met with fear and anxiety at times. We’re not always certain that we’re on the right track and sometimes next steps can be unclear. This is where the certainty of our first calling – pursuing our relationship with Jesus – is so important! We can be sure that as we seek His heart day to day, He is already at work to lead and guide us into the plans He has for us. It may require seasons of waiting on God’s timing and direction. Know that in the waiting, nothing is wasted when you keep your eyes locked on Jesus, direct your heart full of faith in our faithful God, and trust that He will come through for you.

So whether you’re still trying to figure out a few things or currently living out the works you were created for, there’s a beautiful promise that is a banner over all of our lives straight from the heart of God:

He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. - Philippians 1:6

No matter where you are in your journey, know this: the good work He began in you He also will complete. From the finished work of Jesus on the cross, to the moment of your salvation, and until we see Jesus face-to-face, He is working out your salvation every single day as you become more like Jesus. With each new day, there is more work to be done in this life, in your heart, and through the living out of your calling for the building up of the Church. Jesus is the author and perfecter of your faith. He is the finisher!

Are there fears or anxiety you need to confess in a private moment with God today? He waits for us to entrust any such feelings to Him in exchange for His invaluable peace. Be encouraged and reminded of His grace and your purpose in today’s Scripture readings.

If you’ve enjoyed this five-day reading plan from FLOURISH, be sure to check out our other plans:

Flourish in Identity 

Flourish in The Word 

Flourish in Prayer 

Hari 4

Perihal Pelan

Flourish in Your Calling: Exploring God's Ultimate Call

This five-day reading plan helps us understand that in every season, and wherever we are on the spectrum of knowing the secondary “callings” of our lives, we are only responsible for our personal answer to God’s ultimate call. When this truth transforms our hearts, it becomes infused into our dreams and desires and helps shape, guide, and even unearth the gifts and talents God has given us.
