Identity CrisisSampel

Identity Crisis



Your Identity Is Not In Things 

Likes, reposts, followers, and mentions don’t define you—they are only recognitions regarding you or what you represent. Likewise, money, assets, and items don’t define you—they are only a representation of purchases made, and or an outward expression of income generated, saved or borrowed. 

There is nothing wrong with owning beautiful, expensive, luxurious items. But it is important to be aware that one’s identity is not in the object but the Omnipotent Owner. 

When one believes that their identity can be found in the attainment of things, a crisis occurs. Things are temporal because items are often lost, money depletes, people unfollow, likes cease, reposts stop, followers fade, and stuff depreciates. 

Where is your identity when the value of things dissipate? Don’t allow things to define you. God’s word is the absolute identifier of your purpose-filled existence. 

In scripture, Elisha, the man of God, instructed Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram to wash in the Jordan seven times so his flesh would be restored because he was a leper. Naaman did as the man of God instructed and his flesh was restored like that of a little child. Naaman and the people with him went to the man of God after experiencing the miracle of God to offer Elisha a blessing and a gift, but Elisha refused and told Naaman to go in peace. When Naaman departed, Gehazi, Elisha’s servant pursued Naaman. If I were to use my spiritual imagination, I believe when Naaman offered a blessing and a gift to Elisha, Gehazi saw all that he was going to offer which prompted him to make a life-altering decision. Gehazi pursued Naaman and lied to him in order to obtain about 60lbs of silver and two changes of clothes. Gehazi's actions were revealed to Elisha and he confronted Gehazi stating “is it a proper time to accept money and clothing and olive orchards and vineyards and sheep and oxen and male and female servants?” (2 Kings 5:26) 

Things don’t define us. Our obedience and relationship with God defines who we are. Gehazi’s actions in seeking after things caused him to receive exactly what the things came with when obtained the wrong way. Gehazi became a leper.

 This is a powerful example that seeking our identity in the wrong things comes with a price. It is wise to identify with the One who already paid the ultimate price, Jesus Christ. 

Hari 1Hari 3

Perihal Pelan

Identity Crisis

Is your identity tied in your accomplishments, people or even your past? Do you know who you are? Are you seeking validation from people to determine your worth? No longer live with the perception that your identity is determined by an accumulation of life events. In this Bible plan, readers will discover that their identity is found in Christ and not the Crises of life’s experiences.
