Freedom - Letting Go And Embracing ChristSampel

Freedom - Letting Go And Embracing Christ


Discovering True Worship

Today, we meet up with Jesus in Samaria, taking a break in the course of His travels. He’s tired and finds himself at noon at the well. Because indoor plumbing isn’t a thing yet, the well is an important place. Not only was this the place everyone came to get their water to use for their families—this was also a gathering place. I imagine it was like the Chick-fil-A play place on a busy Thursday at lunch.

However, this story is taking place in the Middle East, so the hottest point of the day is not the best time for gathering at the well. Yet here we find two strangers meeting—Jesus and a Samaritan woman. And even though strangers, He offers her living water, so she will never thirst again.

In first-century Palestine, women couldn’t just make a Tuesday afternoon of strolling to a lawyer’s office, filing for divorce, and stopping by Starbucks for a caramel macchiato on the way home. She could have been labeled a lot of things, but she was likely not a reckless divorcer. 

While we will probably never know exactly what the circumstances of this woman’s life were, we can still take note of this: Jesus paid no attention to her social status (though His disciples did—see their reaction in verse 27). He met her there with purpose and on purpose. 

She discovers in this encounter with Jesus that true worship is not found in the confines of a building or within a group of people. She also discovers that living water is not found in whatever she might be caught up in. 

Jesus, in His usual way, is turning these beliefs on their head and saying that they’ve all got it wrong. Living water doesn’t come from a well, but from the Spirit of God. Proper worship doesn’t happen on a mountain or in a cathedral or even in a tiny chapel, but in the heart of every person who comes to the Father in Spirit and in truth. 

God is bigger than our expectations.

Are you settling for a lukewarm drink at midday to avoid being seen? Jesus doesn’t expect you to have it all together. He didn’t wait for the Samaritan woman to go and prove herself before He offered her freedom from thirst; He met her in the midst of her brokenness and offered her eternal life. 

He’ll do the same for you.

Hari 1Hari 3

Perihal Pelan

Freedom - Letting Go And Embracing Christ

There are so many expectations placed on women. Sometimes life feels like an endless cycle of responsibilities. Let’s intentionally pause to learn from the greatest teacher, Jesus, and see how His interactions with people show us a thing or two about what God truly expects. Get ready to throw off fear, shame, and judgment in order to take up the freedom Jesus died to give.
