It Is WrittenSampel

It Is Written


Right in Front of Our Eyes

By Robert Morris

I think it’s possible that women see better than men. Let me give you an illustration. The other day, I asked my wife, “Honey, have you seen my blue shirt?” She told me it was in my closet. I knew it wasn’t in there, but I did a thorough, double-check just to be sure because I didn’t want to call for help again. I went through every shirt, and when I was done I said, “Sugar, it’s not in my closet.” I’m sure you know what happened next. She walked in, pointed to it and said, “It’s right there.” I had eyes, but I couldn’t see.

Now that’s a humorous look at a theme that actually runs throughout the Bible. Jesus often refers to people who can see and hear as blind and deaf. There are many verses with this theme. Take Isaiah 42:18, for example: “Hear, you deaf; and look, you blind, that you may see.” It’s a little strange to say to deaf people, “Listen up all you deaf people.” But he’s not talking about physical deafness; he’s talking about spiritual deafness. The point he’s making is that we have to be able to see and hear things spiritually. Have you ever read a chapter of the Bible and realized you had no what idea what it said? In other words, you saw it in the natural but your spiritual eyes were shut.

Liken this theme to the natural realm. Have you ever been at church and looked up, noticed someone you know staring at you, so you waved, but they didn’t wave back? You might think, What’s their problem? But the truth is, they’re probably daydreaming. In the spiritual realm, however, we can’t afford to daydream. We have to open our spiritual eyes so that we can really see what is happening.

Is it possible to read the Bible and say, “I just don’t see it” even though it’s right there in front of your eyes? Absolutely. We have to realize we’re blind without God. He’s the author of this book, and only He can help us understand it. Ask Him to give you the eyes to see and the wisdom to understand.


Lord, thank You for giving me the ability to hear Your Word. Give me understanding as I read Scripture so I can fully see and hear what You’re saying. Help me to stay focused on You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Memory Verse

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 

Perihal Pelan

It Is Written

This 31-day devotional, compiled from teachings by Pastors Robert Morris and Marcus Breechen from Gateway Church, focuses on the importance of having God’s Word in your everyday life. Each day reveals what the Word is—breath, bread, water, a sword, and a lamp—and how it applies to your life. As you read, you’ll be inspired to draw closer to God and hide His Word in your heart daily.
