All About Releasing CreativitySampel

All About Releasing Creativity



One of the great challenges of creativity is that we start things and never finish them. Anybody have that problem here? Why do we love to start but struggle to finish? Well, we’re going to take a look at that today and find a source, a power, to finish. 

1. The Struggle with Perfectionism: Creating is communing. Every creative act is a connection with God and his divine nature. When you are around someone perfect the standard goes up. God must be acknowledged in the creative act or it can lead to depression, futility, a dark heart, and all sorts of immorality. Why? Because creativity is connecting with your God nature and you can either acknowledge it or resist it. When we acknowledge God in any creative act we are sucked up into a divine communion. When we fail to acknowledge him or thank him we have still connected with something eternal and transcendent and now what we have created feels like trash, not good enough, maggots instead of manna (Exodus 16:19-20)

2. The Struggle with Pride: Releasing something to the public is an act of humility, vulnerability, and faith/risk. However, it is pride and fear that keeps us from sharing the creativity inside of us. The fear of rejection and comparison can cripple our creativity and make us feel like the work of our hands is not good enough. It will never be good enough. 

But here is a secret to breakthrough: Understand that you are creating from journey, rather than destination. Don’t release your creativity like someone who has arrived but rather someone who is on a journey. Humble yourself and put yourself out there, making yourself vulnerable to critics. The risk will be worth it.

3. The Struggle with the Enemy: He knows the power of your creativity and resists us. He resists you completing something because that is where the authority, favor, and influence come from. He’s not afraid of you starting something but he is really challenged when you finish something. 

Remember that your creativity reminds him that you are a son or daughter of God made in his image. He hates that! He wanted to be like God but you are the one who was made in God’s image. You have God’s creative nature. Genesis connects the idea of the image of God with your power to rule (serve and influence the world around you.) That’s a threat. And he certainly doesn’t want you understanding these things --- that creating is communing, that humility and creating from journey are secrets to finishing. If your creativity give you authority, favor, and influence then his decreases every time you create something. 

God is a finisher! It is His nature. The same nature that gives you creativity gives you the grace and the power to finish! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. See Him as a FINISHER and let a grace to finish things be released in you. 

“And God saw all that He had made, and said, ‘It is good’”

You are created because someone else was creative.

Hari 1Hari 3