Jesus Revealed Pt. 14 - It Is ALL In Jesus!Sampel

Jesus Revealed Pt. 14 - It Is ALL In Jesus!


If we love Jesus  

Thoughts on the Passage

Loving Jesus is demonstrated by our willingness to be obedient. It is a challenge at times. It is a joy most of the time. That is the way with any commitment of love. It is not always an easy choice, but there is never a question of our intentions when we love someone. It is the same with our commitment to keep the commands of Jesus. 

There is another promise that comes with this commitment: we get help from God. The Holy Spirit is given to us as a Helper. It is interesting that Jesus called Him “another Helper”, someone just like Jesus. The disciples have learned to love Jesus and His presence with them and they are sad and upset that Jesus is leaving. Jesus promises that the Father will send another Helper to always be with them. That is the way we need to see the Holy Spirit—Someone just like Jesus who never leaves us.

What does it take to see Jesus? 

This has been a question that I have asked over and over. This passage has been something I hang on to tightly as I wait. Jesus promised to reveal (manifest) Himself to people who keep His commands. It is several things. It is God coming and making His home with us. God abides with us in our lives like a family member. It is not strangers living in the same house. It is people learning and growing together. In this time together we get to see and know our God. I love that, but there is one more thing I want. I want to “see” Jesus. He promises that we will see Him. I know I will spend eternity with Him and I will never leave His sight. However, I hold tightly to this promise that if I love Him and love His commands, then I will see Jesus. 


Today, I challenge all of us to clean our home physically, like a special guest is coming. Then sit down and wait for Jesus to come join you. You can sing, read the Bible, remember answered prayers, talk to Him…. Wait for Him show up today.

Time to Pray

Father, I love Your word and Your commands. They reveal Your heart to me and what is important to You. Sometimes I struggle being obedient because I do not have the patience to deal with difficult people, I do not have the confidence in You to put aside fear for my future, and I struggle just keeping this temporary world in the perspective of eternity. See my heart and know that I love You. Holy Spirit, You have been given as my Helper to guide me through the easy times of obedience and the tough times. Teach me how to see Your presence as someone who is always beside me, just as Jesus was with the disciples. It is a comfort when I struggle and a strong hand to hold when I am weak. Bless me today to feel You near all day. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Hari 2Hari 4

Perihal Pelan

Jesus Revealed Pt. 14 - It Is ALL In Jesus!

One Size Fits All? Does it really? How can we find all of life’s answers in ONE place, let alone ONE PERSON? In Plan 14 we see Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit ARE one. They do not override each other. They do not jostle and try to take each other’s place. Together they are EVERYTHING that we need in this life and beyond.
