Pure JesusSampel

Pure Jesus


Jesus - Your Freedom and Forgiver

Live Blame and Guilt-free

It is so difficult not to feel guilty when we know the sins we commit. It is difficult to stand tall above the crowd and know that God doesn’t criticize us, even in our faults. But as children of God, we are to walk around with an attitude of victory. We are free from the sentence of sin and death. We are no longer condemned but sanctified! 

I am the worst sinner I know because I know every thought that goes through my mind and every evil desire that comes out of my heart. I am fully aware of the wickedness that lies within me. Yet God does not condemn me, even when I condemn myself. I am washed white as snow because of Jesus Christ and the price He paid for my sins. I do not have to walk around with my head hung low. I do not have to be weighed down with guilt. I am free because Christ lives in me! 

At the same time, I am not licensed to sin. I have not received grace to bounce from sin to sin, doing anything I want and giving in to every temptation. I have received grace to walk in holiness as God is holy. When I fall down, I don’t stay down and boast in my sin, but I get back up and boast in Christ’s work in me. I also don’t compare myself to others, saying, “My sin is not as bad as their sin.” No matter what the sin and who the sinner is, sin is sin. There is the same judgment and the same redemption for all who are in Christ. Christ covers every sin, no matter how “big” or “small” we feel it may be. 

The Apostle Paul in his letter to the church in Rome says that we are FREE to stand outside of God’s wrath! We can stand tall, knowing that God’s love for us is big enough, wide enough, and deep enough to cover our shame. There is no height or depth, no sin or shame, that can separate us from God’s love and mercy. He says that those who put their trust in Christ, will not only find freedom, but they will be forgiven. Walk like you are forgiven! Don’t accept the yoke of condemnation any longer! Live free and forgiven in Christ Jesus.

Hari 2Hari 4

Perihal Pelan

Pure Jesus

The "Pure Jesus" plan is a collection of reflections on Jesus as our freedom and forgiver (justification), our fullness and fulfiller (sanctification) and our friend and family (community on mission). The deeper we experience his transformation, the more our lives will reflect a pure image of our Savior.
