Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To New Year'sSampel

Sacred Holidays: A Devotional Leading Up To New Year's



You spent some time yesterday reflecting on what’s been and learning from it. Today we move forward to what can be. Today we step into this new year, or this new season, ready for what’s ahead. 

Read Isaiah 43:19 and note what God is doing. 

A new thing. I wonder if you could use a new thing from God today. 

I’ve read this verse countless times, but I heard it in a new way a couple of years ago. I had some medical issues, and was waiting for some pretty scary test results that would change the rest of my life. And during that waiting time the Lord brought me to this verse and it was life for me. 

First, I was reminded that He was going to do something new. “New” doesn’t always mean that everything changes, or that things go the way you hope, but it does mean that He is working something right here, right now, in a fresh way.. That realization wasn’t entirely comforting because I know that He could do a new thing with a really hard outcome, or He could do a new thing with a miracle outcome. Either way, He was clear then, as I believe He is still clear today, that He is always working. I love how Philippians 2:13 communicates this truth, “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” God is working, this we can be sure. 

But it was the second part of the verse that took my breath away—that still takes my breath away. 

The new thing He is doing is this: making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. 

A way in the wilderness. The wilderness is an overgrown area that seems to have no way. Because of all the tangled growth everywhere, no path can be seen. And you know what God says? He says that He is clearing a way. You can’t see it. But God.—He can make a way in the wilderness. 

Rivers in the Desert. Again, this isn’t a scene that’s common—deserts are known for being without water. But God—He says He won’t just bring a cup of water, or a well, but an entire river to your desert! 

Can you even imagine what God might do in and through you this next year? 

Take a moment and ask God to show you what He might want to do in and through you. 

If you have a hard time seeing what God might be able to do in and through you, ask a friend who loves God and you.

Now let’s read what God says about those ideas. 

Read Isaiah 55:8-9. What does God think of your ideas?

These are some of my most favorite verses in all of the Bible. God’s ways are higher and wiser than anything we could imagine. Whatever you or others thought God might do with your life, God’s ways and thoughts are even higher and wiser. Your dreams may not turn out exactly as you planned, but you can plan on the fact that God’s ways are trustworthy, high, and wise, no matter what happens!

I don’t know about you but I needed that reminder today! 

Tomorrow, we will look at where we take these next steps—steps that will be filled with God’s good ways! 

Hari 1Hari 3