Bulletproof MarriageSampel

Bulletproof Marriage


Breaching Intimacy

If you were to sit down with a group of friends or colleagues and have a discussion on what trust, faithfulness, and intimacy in marriage looks like, you would have enough to fill a book. The dynamics of life are unchanging, but they look different to every person. Various situations and influencers affect a person’s convictions and ways of thinking. At the end of the day, do not stray from the standard of God’s Word as it relates to major issues in your marriage. Jesus raised the standard for purity when he said that “anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matt. 5:28 NIV). The emphasis is not on avoiding a physical relationship outside your marriage; it is on any action that will breach the intimacy between you and your spouse.

Don’t allow the exposure to this world’s darkest evils soften your convictions, morals, or conscience. The worst thing you can do is stray from what you believe. Focus your efforts on building, protecting, and nurturing your marriage. Do not allow intrusive relationships to interfere with the intimacy you have built with your spouse. Allow nothing and no one to divide you and your spouse. Your bonds on duty or at work should never take priority with the bond you have at home. Fight for your marriage. Love your spouse relentlessly, unconditionally, and make them a priority.

Quick Tip

Before you engage in a dangerous encounter on the job, or if something doesn’t seem quite right, you’ll likely experience a feeling or an intuition. God will guide you through the paths of peril and trouble, but it is up to you to respond and follow His lead. The enemy uses worry and anxiety to dilute and poison the intimacy you have with your Heavenly Father. Those same negative emotions can ruin marital intimacy as well. Take action today by surrendering worry, fear, and other negative emotions to God.


When you put yourself in harm’s way, you are taking radical action to protect life and limb. It’s something you do daily. Take radical action in your marriage today by bringing your relationship with your spouse to God and asking for His divine input through His Word, the Bible. It’s not always popular to remain faithful, and it may result in ostracization among your peers. But at the end of the battle, you will emerge victorious and whole. If there was one thing you could do to protect your marriage, it would be to honor and preserve the intimacy you have with God and the marital intimacy you have with your spouse. Be valiant and vigilant in your pursuit to protect your marriage!


If you want your spouse to talk openly with you, you must first be willing to refrain from responding in a confrontational, judgmental, or accusatory manner. If you feel distrustful of your spouse when he or she openly shares their experiences on duty, it may not be an issue of trusting your spouse as much as it may be deep, negative emotions tied to past hurts. Talk to your spouse today about one way you can protect the integrity and sacredness of the intimacy you share.

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us the way to walk in this life and the way to honor you. Help us protect the intimacy in our marriage and keep it pure, lively, and growing. Guide our steps and keep our hearts receptive to your convicting power and love. Amen.

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Perihal Pelan

Bulletproof Marriage

We live in a troubled society, and those maintaining order and justice are some of the most overworked, unappreciated, and underpaid. The nature of their jobs is taxing both personally and on their marriages. Bulletproof Marriage applies biblical principles to strengthen and support the marriages of military members, law enforcement officers, and first responders.
