Break FreeSampel

Break Free


Because of the cross and blood of Jesus, the Devil has suffered ultimate defeat already. Victory is paid for. This victory from demons and curses is promised to all believers. Why, then, are so many believers living in defeat? God promised the land of Canaan to all Israel, but only a few occupied it. The children of Abraham possessed only what they fought for, not what God had promised. You do not get what you are promised, you get what you fight for. 

Many people get prophetic words and do not see them come to pass for the reason that they do not wage warfare from the position of that prophetic word. The promise of God, a prophetic word, or what Jesus has paid for on Calvary has to be received by our faith. 

We have to move from merely professing what Jesus did for us on the cross to possessing what He did. Victory on the cross does not remove fighting, instead, it empowers it. You cannot sit on the sidelines and play the victim. The cross made you victorious. You get to rise up and possess what is yours already. Drive away all the forces of the Devil. 

Hari 2Hari 4

Perihal Pelan

Break Free

Do you find that you are living in a spiritual cage, unable to get out, repeating the same sin? If you are tired of taking two steps forward and three steps backward in your spiritual life, then Holy Spirit will use “Break Free” as a key to get you out of that cage of limitation and stagnation, and into a life of freedom!
