Personal Development Sampel

Personal Development


Personal development is not an event. Neither is it a one-size-fits-all experience. Development takes time, tests, failure and overcoming. God knows each one of us individually. He knows what we each need in order to develop and strengthen our spiritual muscles and sharpen our spiritual insight and wisdom. More often than not, this requires detours in life to allow us the opportunity to learn, grow and develop.  

God has a destiny for you. He has a purpose and a place He wants you to live out. But it may not happen tomorrow. You probably won’t get there by going in a straight line. Patience is a preeminent virtue needed in order to reach your destiny.

But even though life and the process of development may come with personal disappointments as you wished you were further along, remember that hope does not disappoint. Detours disappoint, momentarily. But when we allow them to produce hope – God promises that hope will not disappoint. 

But in order to arrive at an authentic hope in your spirit – accepting your detours is necessary. 

Just like your muscles will not grow simply by wishing them to grow stronger. The pain through the process of strengthening your hope comes in detours, tribulations, afflictions and trials. 

Show me someone with an indomitable hope and I will show you someone who has had his or her share of detours. This is because authentic hope is a learned trait. Authentic hope is that level of hope which stays steady despite the storm and circumstances. It is the hope that enables you to keep going on faith alone. A large part of your personal development focuses on growing your ability to hope (like Abraham) against all hope. To believe when nothing looks like it is happening. And to continue to walk in faith, despite the delays.

As you develop personally, these things will come more naturally for you and you will witness God usher you into the fulfillment of your destiny. Use this guided prayer as a catalyst for your own prayer or feel free to pray it in its entirety. 


Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for your gift of detours. Thank You for loving me enough to want me to grow, develop and mature. Thank You for not giving me my destiny or dream too soon, before I am able to handle it – because then, Lord, I may waste it, lose it or even ruin it. God – You know what is best. And You are a gracious Lord to patiently develop me to reach that place of ultimate purpose and destiny. I am thanking You in advance for all You have in mind – in Christ’s name, Amen.
God has a GREAT plan for your life. Your personal development in Him will open up that path - discover more our gift of an MP3 download of Tony Evans' message "God Is Up To Something Great" - right here.
Hari 2

Perihal Pelan

Personal Development

God often seeks to develop us emotionally, spiritually, physically and even relationally prior to promoting us in our destiny. Tony Evans shares some important thoughts on the importance of personal development in this reading plan. 
