Become Emotionally Healthy!Sampel

Become Emotionally Healthy!


Let yourself be found by Him!

Perhaps you’ve heard this story by a well-known comedian...“When we were little, we loved to play hide and seek. The problem wasn’t that people didn’t find’s that they weren’t looking for me...”

Today, I’d like to encourage us, you and me both, to not hide from God...but rather, to let ourselves be found by Him!

Because it’s a certainty, unlike what the comedian said in his somewhat sad story, that God is definitely searching for us...He’s actually seeking us with incredible determination!

“But how can I hide from God?,” you may ask.

After all, God knows everything about us, even the most insignificant of our how can we really hide from Him?

I believe that we hide from God when we don’t tell Him what’s deeply on our hearts. Sometimes, it’s as if we’re blinded by this particular lie: “I can solve this problem by myself...I’m not going to bother God with it.”

But mu friend, you never bother God. On the contrary, He desires for you to turn toward Him, just as you are at that moment, with all your emotions, thoughts, questions...nothing hidden. He is waiting for you to cast all your cares upon Him.

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (according to the Bible, 1 Peter 5:7)

God deeply desires to take care of you. Don’t make Him wait! He longs to meet with you and speak to you. He loves to converse with you, including about the little things in your life. He invites you to come to Him...let yourself be found today. (the Bible, Matthew 11:28)

Thanks for existing!
Eric Célérier

Hari 3Hari 5

Perihal Pelan

Become Emotionally Healthy!

Invisible suffering is not hidden before God. Even the oldest wounds are not forgotten. He knows them, He sees them, and He wants to heal you of them. He promises to comfort you and to bring an end to your warfare. In this reading plan we will take a better look at this!
