Pray Continually: Devotions From Time Of GraceSampel

Pray Continually: Devotions From Time Of Grace


Small prayers

Do you save prayer energy only for “big asks,” i.e., major crises? Do you hate to bother God with trivia? Is it appropriate to pray over basketball games and business deals? the health of a pet? a successful family gathering?

If God were human like us, he would have little interest in or capacity for the smaller things in our lives. But he is God--unlimited mental ability, unlimited interest in our lives, unlimited resources, unlimited power, unlimited love for us. He uses all the events in our lives, big and small, to change us and grow us and make us more like him and more useful to his agenda.

Jesus himself once attended a lengthy wedding reception and perceived that the bridal couple and their family were about to suffer the embarrassment of running out of wine. Jesus chose that moment to utilize his almighty power for something as “small” as banquet supplies. Out of ordinary water he made 120 gallons of ’47 Château Margaux, astonishing the maitre d’. “This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him” (John 2:11).

Small things on your mind? Bring them to the Lord. Let him decide how to bless you, discipline you, grow you, toughen you, and use you for his agenda, and in the process reveal his glory in your life.
Hari 5Hari 7