Luke 23
chapter three and twenty
1and their whole congregation is stand up again, and him led away to Pilate. 2and they have begun him to accusing, so to say: the this have we found mislead our people, and he forbid to pay taxes to the Caesar; he says also, that he is the (Rebbe) king the Moshiach. 3and Pilate has him asked, so to say: you (SG) are the king of the Jews? and he has answering said to him: you (SG) say it! 4has Pilate said to the chief kohenim and to the crowds of people; I find not any whatever guilt in the this man! 5they however have self held insisting this, and said: he stirs up the people, teaching over entire (land of) Yehudah, and beginning from Galilee even to until here! 6and as Pilate has this heard, has he asked, (question) the man is a Galilean, 7and he perceived self, that he is of Herod's authority, has he him sent away to Herod, who is himself also was in Jerusalem in the these days.
8and Herod has self very glad, seeing Yehoshua; because already a long time as he has him eagerly wanted see, on account of the what he has heard about him, and has hoped to see something an sign done from him. 9and he has him put a many questions; he however has him nothing answered. 10and the chief kohenim and the scribes are standing and have him zealously accused. 11and Herod with his soldiers have him scorned and mocked of him, and dressed with clothes him in a splendid garment, has he him send back to Pilate. (Yeshayah 53, 7-8.) 12and Herod and Pilate turned friends one with the other in the same day; because previously has reigned supreme a hostility between them.
13and Pilate has called together the chief kohenim and the rulers and the people. 14and to them said: you (PL) has brought hither the this man before me, as a public corrupter; and look, I have him examined before you (PL), and have not found in the this man any whatever guilt, which relates to the matter, which you (PL) complain him on; 15no, even Herod also not; because he has him send back to us; and look, he has nothing done, why he shall be liable death. 16I will him therefore let give scourge, and release. 17and he was obliged release for them one on Yom Tov. 18and the whole crowd has shouted, so to say: away with the this, and release us Bar-Abba! 19who is thrown become in imprisonment into on account of an insurrection, which is happened in the city, and on account of a murder. 20and again has Pilate proclaimed to them, will release Yehoshua; 21they however have shouted, so to say: hanged up him on the tree! hanged up him on the tree! 22and to the third time has he to them said: what for an evil has he then done? I have not found any in no way death guilt in him; I will him therefore let give scourge and release. 23they however have kept at it with loud shouts, demanding, that he shall him hanged up on a tree. and the shouts their have prevailed did. 24and Pilate has judged, that their demand shall to happen. 25and has set free the one, which is thrown become in imprisonment into on account of an insurrection and murder, whom they have asked for; Yehoshua however has he handed over to their will.
26and as they have him led away, have they seized a certain Simon of Cyrene, coming from the field, and have did place on him the tree, that he shall it carry behind Yehoshua. 27and it has him followed a great crowd people and women, who have him lament and weeping. 28Yehoshua however has self turn around to them and said: daughters of Jerusalem, weep not over me; but weep rather over self alone, and over your (PL) children! 29because look, there come days, in which they will say: blessed is the barren, and the wombs, that have not bore, and the breasts, that have not given to nurse! 30then will they begin to say to the mountains: falls on us! and to the hills: cover us over! 31because if they do this to the green wood (when the wood is green), what will at last to happen to the dried out (when the wood is dry)?
32and two other, criminals, are led become together with him killed to be.
33and when they are come to the place, which they call it Golgotha, have they him there hung up on a tree, and the criminals, the one on the right side and the one on the left side. (Yeshayah 53, 12.) 34Yehoshua however has said: Father, forgive them, because they know not, what they do! they however have self divide his clothing and cast lots. (Psalms 22, 18.) 35and the people is standing and has it watching. and also the rulers have mocked of him, so to say: other has he saved; shall he self alone save, if he is the Moshiach, the chosen one of Hashem! 36and also the soldiers have him made fun of, coming up to him, and bringing vinegar for him. (Psalms 69, 21.) 37and have said: if you (SG) are the king of the Jews, save you alone! 38and over him is also was an inscription: this is the king of the Jews.
39one however of the criminals, who are hanged become, has him blasphemed, so to say: (question) you are then not the Moshiach? save then you alone and us! 40but the another has answering rebuked on him, and said: you (SG) have also not any fear before Hashem, you be after all in the same judgment! 41we actually with right; because we have received that, which our deeds are worthy was; he however has after all not done any in no way wrong! 42and has said: Yehoshua, remember me, when you (SG) come in your kingdom of into! 43and he has to him said: in truth say I you (SG): today will you be with me in Garden of Eden!
44and it is already was around the sixth (12 noon) hour, and a darkness is come over entire land until the ninth (3 P.M.) hour. 45and the sun is darkened become, and the Parochet/curtain of Heikhal has self tear apart in two in the midst. 46and Yehoshua has a shout done with a loud voice, and said: Father, in your hands give I over my spirit! and this saying, has he let out his breath. (Psalms 31, 5.) 47as however the (Roman) officer has seen, what it has occurred, has he give glory to Hashem, so to say: the this man is in truth was a tsaddik! 48and all crowds of people, who are self come together to the this one spectacle, seeing the things, which are happened, have self beat on the breast and self returned (home). 49are however standing all his acquaintances from a distance, and the women, which have him followed from Galilee, and have this watching.
50and look, a certain man with the name Joseph, who was a counsellor, an man good and righteous, 51(he is not was agree with their counsel and with their do) from Ramatayim, a Jewish city, who has hoped on the kingdom of Hashem; 52he went to Pilate and has begged of him Yeshua's body. 53and has him take down, him wrapped in a sheet (tachrichim), and put in a tomb, hewn in a rock, where it is never no one not buried. 54and the day was Erev Sabbath, and the Sabbath was already held at the fall (Shabbos was already beginning to fall). 55the women (chevra kadisha) however, who have him accompanied from Galilee, are follow, and have seen the tomb, and how his body is buried. 56and have self returned, and prepared spices and ointments.
and Sabbath have they rested according to the command (of the Torah).
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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