John 3

chapter three
1and there was a man of the Pharisees, he was named Nakdimon, a dignitary among Jewish people; 2the this one is come to him by night, and did to him said: Rebbe, we know, that you (SG) are a teacher, coming from Hashem; because no one can not do the these signs, which you (SG) do, if Hashem is not with him. 3did Yehoshua answer and said to him: in truth, in truth say I (to) you: if one is not again born, can he not see the kingdom of Hashem. 4says Nakdimon to him: how can a man born to be, being a older person? (question) can he then a second time go in into his mothers womb and born become? 5has Yehoshua answered: in truth, in truth say I you (SG): if one is not born from water and from Spirit (washed of regeneration), can he not go in in the kingdom of Hashem. 6that, which is born of the flesh, is flesh; and that, which is born of Spirit, is spirit. 7marvel you not, because I have you (SG) said: you (PL) must again born become. 8the wind blows, where it wants, and you (SG) hear its sound, but know not, from where it comes and where it goes; exactly so is every one who is born of the Spirit. 9Nakdimon has answered and said to him: how can this to happen? 10has Yehoshua answered and said to him: you (SG) are a Rebbe in Israel, and know this not? 11in truth, in truth say I you (SG): what we know, this speak we, and what we have seen, thereof say we witness: and you (PL) take our witness say not on. 12if I have to you (PL) spoken of earthly things, and you (PL) believe not, how will you (PL) believe, when I will to you (PL) speak of heavenly things? 13and anyone has not gone up in heaven into, except the One, who has come down from heaven, the Son of Man, who was in heaven. 14and as Moses did lift up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man lifted up to be; 15so that every one, who believes in him, shall have eternal life. 16because Hashem has in this way love had the world, that he has given his Son Only, so that every one, who believes in him, shall not lost become, but have eternal life. 17because Hashem has not sent his Son into the world into, in order to judge the world, but so that the world shall through him saved become. 18the one, who believes in him, becomes not condemned; the one, who believes not, is already condemned become, because he did not believe in the name of the Son of only of Hashem. 19and this is the condemnation: that light has come into the world into, and the men have rather had the darkness than the light; because their deeds have been evil. 20because every one, who does evil, hates the light, and comes not to the light, so that his deeds should not exposed to be. 21the one however, who does the truth, comes to the light, so that his deeds should revealed to be, that they are being done in Hashem.
22after that is Yehoshua went away with his disciples to the land of Yehudah, and is there remain with them, and did immersing was in the mikveh. 23and also John did immersing was in the mikveh in Einayim, near by Shalem, because there was a many water for the mikveh; and they would come and themselves allowed immerse be in the mikveh. 24because John is yet not been thrown into prison. 25and there is come to a division among the disciples of John and a Judaeans about ritual cleansing. 26and they did come to John, and have said to him: Rebbe, he, who was with you (SG) on the other side of Yarden, about whom you (SG) you have witness said, here see, he tovlt in the mikveh, and all come to him. 27has John answered and said: any man can self nothing receive, if it is him not given become from heaven. 28you (PL) yourselves are my witnesses, that I have said: I am not the Moshiach, but that I am sent been before (ahead of) him. 29who it has the bride, that (one) is the bridegroom; however the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and listen self to to him, does with joy self rejoice over the bridegroom's voice; just the this very joy of mine is fulfilled. 30he must increase, I however decreased become.
31the one, who comes from above, is above everyone: the (one), who is from the earth, is from the earth, and speaks from the earth; the (one), who comes from heaven, is over everyone. 32what he has seen and heard, thereof says he witness; and his witness say accepts no one not on. 33who it accepts indeed on his witness say, that (one) has added his seal, that Hashem is truth. 34because he, whom Hashem has sent, speaks the words of Hashem; because he gives not the Spirit with measure. 35the Father has loved the Son, and did all give in his hand into. 36the (one), who believes in the Son, has eternal life; whoever however it obey not the Son, that (one) will not see any life, but Hashem's wrath remains on him.

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