Our Restorationनमुना

Our Restoration

DAY 1 OF 5

God’s Big Picture and Our Restoration

God fashioned the stars, the planets, the earth, and everything in it. The first chapters of Genesis reveal His artistry. They culminate in the creation of humans made in God’s own image. He fashioned Adam from the dust of the ground and breathed life into this newly formed creation. God animated humanity with His own breath. In the Garden of Eden, faith was the cohesive element in the relationship between God and the man and woman He created.

God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden, in the cool of the day. When they violated the trust He placed in them, this intimate relationship was lost. Adam and Eve’s choice to doubt God’s integrity led them to disobey and become estranged from Him. The penalty for sin was spiritual, physical, and eternal death—separation from their Creator.

God did not leave humanity in this fractured state. He came in the Person of Jesus Christ to redeem all humans. God took our sins upon Himself, dying in the place of those who were sentenced to death. In Christ’s substitution, everything that isolated humanity from God was removed, and all who were formerly condemned by sin may be justified by faith and receive His eternal life (Titus 3:7). This is the good news of Christ’s glorious gospel.

This redemption depicts the greatest miracle of all. Humans can be restored to God as His friends and representatives, able to stand before Him without shame, guilt, condemnation, or inferiority (Romans 8:1). We can be redeemed, reconciled, regenerated, and reborn to new and purposeful living.

How is this possible? When does the miracle begin? What action allows God’s power to change the ruined to the redeemed?

We participate in our restoration by trusting in God and believing His Word. The only condition for our salvation is that we recognize that what He accomplished for us in Jesus Christ is sufficient for our total restoration to Him (Acts 10:43, 16:31; Hebrews 11:6). No one can make this decision for us; we must each choose to believe in Jesus for our own salvation. God’s love initiated our redemption and makes it available as a gift of grace (Ephesians 2:8). We respond to His love through our faith.

Lord Jesus, I confess today that I believe Your sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to pay all of my debt and give me a new beginning.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 2

About this Plan

Our Restoration

The gospel is the divine revelation that redemption starts with God’s plan, is tested by separation, is triumphant through Christ, and now transforms and restores us. This five-day plan describes what God accomplished in the fourth scene of His Big Picture, and the invitation He extends for us to represent Him in bringing restoration to the world.
