Why the Nativity?नमुना

Why the Nativity?

DAY 3 OF 5

# A Match Made in Heaven

## The Enduring Love of Christmas

God’s call is different for us all. The question is, whatever that call, are we ready to obey—especially if there is great sacrifice involved? God’s call on Mary and Joseph´s lives was truly a match made in heaven. Their response to God’s call should inspire every Christian this Christmas season. That´s what we are covering today. Let´s get started!

### God Chose Mary and Joseph

To accomplish God’s plan, He needed a man and woman to be the human parents of Jesus—and He chose Mary and Joseph. We know little about them prior to them being chosen, but God’s choice of them tells us all we need to know. That is, who would God have chosen to be the earthly parents of His Son except a couple who would be faithful, loving, obedient, and courageous?

When God calls us for His purposes , He sees who we are and who we can become if we will say “Yes” to Him.

### God Chose Mary

This challenge became Mary's choice: deviating from a typical young Jewish woman´s life plan would have been controversial, to say the least. Granted, she would still become a wife, homemaker, and mother—but in a shockingly different way. Would she be willing to give up her future and walk into the future God would reveal to her?

It is often said that a crossroads is no place to decide on your destination. The choice of destination needs to be certain before the moment of choosing. So how could Mary say “Yes” in such a short moment? Because she was already living a life of submission to the will and ways of God .

### Joseph Chose Mary

When an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, explaining why and how Mary was pregnant, he was faced with a choice. And he chose Mary to take her as his wife and to raise Jesus, who would “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

When God calls us for His purpose, saying “Yes” is easier when we allow His ways to take precedence over our ways.

Mary and Joseph Chose God

Mary and Joseph were a match made in heaven . And together they chose to obey God’s call on their life. But it couldn’t have been easy for them; there is a cost to choosing to follow God.

What is your match—the mission God has for you? Whether you are a young Christian seeking God’s purpose for your life or a mature believer already walking in your purpose, there is always a next step of obedience. Don’t wait for the crossroads—decide now that God’s call will always be your choice.

Join me next time, as we learn about the Expectant Love of Christmas.

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About this Plan

Why the Nativity?

Every year, millions of people around the globe celebrate Christmas. But what does it all mean? Do we really understand the profound importance and authenticity of the birth of Jesus? Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, noted pastor, author, and theologian Dr. David Jeremiah answers the most thought-provoking questions surrounding the most pivotal moment in human history- the birth of Jesus Christ.
