Walk in Your Callingनमुना

Walk in Your Calling

DAY 1 OF 7

Day 1: Identity

God created you on purpose for a purpose. God designed every detail of your being, knitting you together in your mother’s womb. Your creation is the most unique thing about you. When God created you, He intentionally focused on stringing together your DNA. He formed your physical attributes. He planned for your future with each gift He placed in you. Your identity was created on the foundation of the Father.

Where is your identity founded?

Without God, your foundation is shaky at best, because permanency is not promised to you. That’s why your personal identity must be formed by what Scripture says. As a believer, your identity is based on the fact that you are purposefully created by the ultimate Creator. God wants your identity to be found in Him and who He created you to be. We can see God intended this on the sixth day of creation. God looked at all He had made, including the creation of man and woman, and said it was very good (Genesis 1:31). In that moment, He was affirming that His original design and its intent would display His character and power. More than anything, we need to be people who display just that—His character and His power. So, it’s not a coincidence that you are made in His image. You’ve been created to reflect who He is, what He stands for, and, most importantly, what He did on the Cross for our salvation.

In Ephesians 1, Paul wrote an incredible description of us when we come to faith in Jesus: We are blessed with spiritual blessings, unconditionally loved, chosen, adopted, forgiven, and united with Christ. Notice how none of those things rely on anything we could do in our own power. Instead, they are all freely given to us because Jesus took our place and died on the Cross for our sins. From creation, God saw each of us as complete, whole, worthy, and loved. There’s nothing we must do to earn salvation; all we can do is receive it by faith.

The world will try to tell you that your identity is created on the basis of works, accomplishments, and possessions. But you can have full confidence, knowing your created identity simply can’t change based on external circumstances as it’s embedded in your DNA. Your identity is inherently part of your very creation. That’s why it’s so important to know whose you are, instead of who the world says you are, and to be careful as to where you find your identity.

So, answer this question: What do you currently find your identity in? Is it in your school achievements? Your appearance? Your athleticism? Your artistic ability? Your relationships? Is your identity in things that fade or in the living, breathing, and active Word of God?

Over the next six days, you’ll be challenged to seek the Lord to find where your identity is currently found. As you walk in relationship with Him—a true, personal relationship—ask God to search your heart and remind you of your identity in Him and the purpose of your creation.


God, help me walk in the purpose that You created me for and to display who You are—Your love and power. Give me eyes to see myself as You do. Challenge me to look to the root of my DNA and understand where my true identity comes from. Affirm in my heart and mind that my original design is what You have always meant for me and help me to walk in that daily. Amen.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 2

About this Plan

Walk in Your Calling

This 7-day devotional emphasizes that being called is not an exclusive invitation for a select few. Instead, it reminds us that God Extends the Call to every heart and person that is willing. Whether you are called to minister within your communities and workplaces, we are all equal participants in the big picture that God has designed.
