Seek Me Firstनमुना

Seek Me First

DAY 1 OF 3


I'll be honest with you–I'm a nerd. I love reading. In my web browser, my local library is the top website bookmarked in my "Recreation and Entertainment" folder. I suppose admitting that I actually have a "Recreation and Entertainment" bookmark folder in my web browser likely tells you everything you need to know about the depth of my nerdiness–but I'll go on.

I love books. I love words. Long, overly descriptive sentences feed my soul. They are like playgrounds for my mind. Give me a good old C.S. Lewis, Lucy M. Montgomery, or Charles Dickons-like sentence with extensive and eloquent details, and I'm in heaven. The more words I read, the finer and more intricate the brushstrokes of my imagination become, creating a fuller, richer, deeper picture in my mind.

So, it's likely no surprise that my go-to version of Scripture is the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition. Its mid-sentence parentheses entice me to linger, expanding my understanding, and I become captivated by its lists of synonyms. For me, the extra word count is not superfluous–it is substantiative, often providing insight and revelation into Scripture that I would otherwise miss.

I don't remember where I first read or heard this piece of advice, but someone once told me that when reading the Bible, one should pay attention to words or phrases that are repeated. If it's true that all Scripture is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16), it stands to reason that phrases that are echoed throughout the Bible are not extraneous, redundant, or incidental–they are on replay for a holy purpose. As a Good Father, it makes sense that God would repeat important things in His Word to get His kids' attention. This is a simple concept, but it can have a profound impact on how we read and interpret Scripture.

I am currently reading through my Amplified, Classic Edition Bible for the fifth time, and I can't help but notice that some compilation of these words and phrases is restated over and over again:

  • Seek the Lord
  • Inquire of
  • Require as
  • Your vital need
  • Your vital necessity

Each time I see these words, they jump off the page. I've noted these phrases are often descriptions of or instructions from powerfully anointed people in the Bible on how to seek the Lord. They are inspiring admonishments by heavy hitters like Moses, David, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. Can you believe it?! The All-Star lineup of men who spent time in God's presence and walked powerfully in His purpose for their lives are showing us their playbook on how to seek the Lord! I don't know about you, but that's advice I want to follow! Join me over the next three days. Let's seek the Lord together!

Let's Pray:

Thank you, Lord, for knowing me and loving me. I want to know You more. Help me find inspiration from those in the Bible who knew You and walked with You. Please give me the desire to seek You as my vital necessity. Amen.

Take Action:

In the Bible App, switch your version over to AMPC and allow the repetition of God's Word to penetrate your heart.

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About this Plan

Seek Me First

Throughout the Scriptures we are instructed to Seek the Lord as our vital necessity. But what does that actually look like in our everyday lives with family, work, and relationships? With raw and relatable vulnerability and humor, a working mother of two shares this three-day plan that offers practical insight and pragmatic application to help you start going after God like your life depends on it.
