Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheetनमुना

Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheet

DAY 9 OF 31

"God’s Agreement with Noah"

After the flood, the world was almost like a new creation. Yet while Adam had been created in the image of God, Noach (Noah) was a kind of new Adam, counted righteous because of his faith. God strikes a new agreement with Noach, vowing He would never again destroy the earth with floodwaters. God also establishes a new standard for humankind: all life is precious and belongs to God. It speaks to our accountability to God for our lives and those of all others. It reveals an important truth about God as a God of life, and not death. It is a sobering reminder in a world where stories of violence have once again taken center stage.

Now more than ever, we must aspire to be as Noach, whose walk with God set him apart in a fallen world. Reflection / Prayer: Adonai, You value all life and long to restore to us life in full. You sent us Yeshua (Jesus) to ensure us of this gift. Help us to reach those who have yet to experience Your loving-kindness, that they may experience life in Yeshua.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 8दिवस 10

About this Plan

Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheet

31 days of 1-3 minute practical insight based on the week’s Parasha—the Jewish annual reading guide covering the first 5 books of the Bible, Torah. Daily Words on the Book of Genesis / B’reisheet include B’reisheet (In the beginning), Noach (Noah), Lech Lecha (Get yourself out) and Vayera (He appeared). Revisit with Hebraic perspective, old and new words inspired by the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) pointing us to Yeshua (Jesus).
