In the Beginning: A Study in Genesis 15-26नमुना

In the Beginning: A Study in Genesis 15-26

DAY 3 OF 11

How Is God Faithful to Families for Generations?

Following God’s covenant with Abram in Genesis 15, and Abram’s sexual sin with Hagar in Genesis 16, God then institutes male circumcision with Abram as the sign of the covenant in Genesis 17. The reason why God chose to mark His men on this part of their anatomy is not revealed to us. However, it makes sense as, for men, this is of great importance to them, the means by which they conceive children, and the cause of some of their most grievous sins, as we have seen in Genesis and throughout human history.

Circumcision was performed either with a sharp knife or stone. Circumcision began in Genesis 17 with Abram who was 99 years of age as a sign of his covenant with God, much like the rainbow was the sign of God’s covenant with Noah. God spoke to Abram and Abram responded to God’s command in faith, falling down on his face to worship God. God then changed his name from Abram which means “exalted father” to Abraham which means “father of a multitude” as the time for God to fulfill His promise of a son for Abram was very near. God then described His covenant with Abraham to include Abraham’s descendants.

God also gave Abraham the terms of the covenant which included Abraham and his descendants trusting God by faith in obedience by walking with God as Enoch and Noah had. The sign of their faith in God and membership in the covenant was to be circumcision of the male flesh of every generation and all their household under their headship.

Theologically, in the covenant of circumcision, we are given significant insight into the doctrines of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility working together. In the covenant of circumcision, God pledges to be a trustworthy God. He also calls His people to obey Him by faith as they are created by Him to be responsible moral agents.

God then told Abraham that his wife’s name would be changed from Sarai which means “contentious” to Sarah which means “princess.” God also promised that through Sarah, the princess, would come kings and that the ultimate fulfillment to come would be the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the King of Kings promised to Sarah’s great-grandson Judah in Genesis 49:10.

God appeared to Abraham, something that happens on only a few occasions in Genesis (12:7, 18:1, 26:2, 26:24, 35:9). Like chapter 15, Abraham spoke to God in unbelief rather than simply obeying Him by faith. Subsequently, in yet another mini-fall, Abraham laughed at God in distrust that he and Sarah could conceive as God had promised.

God kindly restated His promise to Abraham that he would have a son, even instructing Abraham to name him Isaac which means “laughter,” as God would get the last laugh. Summarily, God’s portion of the covenant to Abraham consisted of offspring (Genesis 17:4-6) and eternal faithfulness (Genesis 17:7-8). God also kindly answered Abraham’s request to bless his other son, Ishmael, even though he was not the son of the promise or covenant.

Abraham immediately obeyed God as Moses makes clear with the statement: “On that very day...” Abraham was circumcised at the age of 99 along with every member of his household as God had commanded. He did this because God promised that any male who was not cut in circumcision would be cut off altogether by God.

God’s covenant with Abraham in Genesis 17 has puzzled theologians because God had already entered a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15. The three most likely reasons for both accounts are that God was either expanding the covenant of land in Genesis 15 with offspring in Genesis 17, God was again restating His covenant with Abraham after he sinned with Hagar in Genesis 16, or God was expanding His covenant promise to Abraham to not be the father of one great nation (12:2) but in fact the father of many nations (17:5).

Throughout the rest of Scripture, the concepts of covenant and circumcision are expanded to include we who are Christians as the descendants of Abraham by new birth. Circumcision pointed to the circumcision that God brings to our hearts through His covenant relationship with us (Deuteronomy 10:16, 30:6; Jeremiah 4:4; Ezekiel 44:7-9; Romans 2:25-29; Colossians 2:11). Those with hearts circumcised by the Holy Spirit are truly Abraham’s descendants as they like him live in covenant relationship with God by faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 4; Galatians 3:6-8).


  1. God invited Abraham to walk with Him (17:1) much like Adam, Enoch, and Noah before him. What does it look like for you to walk with God practically?

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About this Plan

In the Beginning: A Study in Genesis 15-26

In this 11-day plan, you will study Genesis 15-26, focusing on God’s faithfulness to sinful families that He works through for His glory. It includes a devotional passage for each day as well as reflection questions to apply this book of the Bible to your life. Whether you’re just curious about the Bible, a new believer, or a long-time follower of Jesus, God will speak to you through it.
