

DAY 4 OF 5

How to Make Good Choices

Will we choose blessings or curses? How can we make good choices? Here are seven steps: 

  1. Meditate on Scripture. Immerse your mind in the revealed will of God. God promises that if we meditate on His law day and night, we will have success.
  2. Obey God in the ways you already know to obey Him. Don’t expect a new word from God if you haven't obeyed the last word from God. 
  3. Consult the right people and sources. God has given us this ability to choose and decide. You can choose your friends. If you’re with the wrong ones, choose some others. Choose the right friends. 
  4. Do your homework. If you are buying a car, or a boat, know what you are doing. If you are buying a house, do your homework.
  5. Consider the long-term consequences of your decision. What will this mean six months from now? What will it mean a year from now? 
  6. Pray. Ask God for help. Exercise humility and tell God, “I need You.” The high priest had on his breastplate precious stones that represented all the tribes of Israel. Behind these stones there was a pocket. In it, there were two stones, one black and one white, called the Urim and the Thummim. When there was an important decision to be made, the people of Israel would go to the high priest. They would ask, “Is it yes, or no? Should we go or not?” He would reach into the pocket and pull out either the Urim or the Thummim. One meant yes—the other, no. The people trusted God would give them the right answer through the priest. You have a priest forever in Jesus Christ. He is representing you before the Father right now. When you have a decision to make, go to Him and pray, “Lord, is it yes, or no? Unlock the right door and lock all other doors. I'm trusting You in this moment. Help me make the right decision.” 
  7. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. God is speaking at all times; listen to what God’s Word says. Trust God with all your heart. Don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do and everywhere you go. He’s the One who will keep you on track and help you make good decisions.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 3दिवस 5

About this Plan


This devotional plan tells why people make bad decisions, and provides seven steps to ensure we make good decisions. It discusses the blessings God made to Israel if they obeyed Him, and the curses they would experience if they did not. We can learn from Israel’s example and be challenged to serve God.
