Called Outनमुना

Called Out

DAY 1 OF 5


Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads in life? Maybe you have before or maybe you’re at one right now. Every time you are facing a crossroad you have to decide which direction you want to go. Each way you choose is going to look completely different. The direction you take is full of mystery and opportunity, excitement and fear. 

The experiences we have and the decisions we make at the crossroads of life can determine our career paths, change our relationships, and ultimately change our lives.

A great example of this is seen in the life of the Apostle Peter. Peter is one of the Bible’s most endearing and interesting characters, but have you ever stopped to think about where Peter's life was heading before Jesus called him? Peter was a fisherman; most likely a gruff, unkempt and shabbily dressed man who was physically strong and verbally vulgar. His future as a successful fisherman along with his brother Andrew was most likely set in stone, and he likely wasn’t looking for a career change. But then Jesus called him. He said to Peter in Matthew 4:19 "Come, follow me and I will send you out to fish for people." On that fateful day, Peter came face to face with the call of God on his life, and he was never the same again. The call of God changed everything! 

Peter spent three years of his life walking with Jesus, seeing Him do miracles, embracing the marginalized and the broken, and preaching in synagogues Peter then witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection. These three years Peter spent following Jesus shaped and impacted him profoundly. Acts 4:13 mentions that even though Peter and the other disciples were unschooled and ordinary men, the rulers, elders and teachers of the law took note that they had been with Jesus. 

Just like Peter each one of us is called by Jesus into a discipleship journey, a relationship with God that will change our lives forever. However, in order to follow Jesus, we will need to leave some things behind. 

Firstly, we will need to leave our insecurities behind. Jesus was a prominent figure in Galilee by this time, and was extremely well-educated. Having been schooled in the synagogue from the age of twelve, He was given the title of “Rabbi” - a big deal in Jewish culture. The amazing thing about Peter’s calling is that Jesus, a powerful Rabbi saw Peter, a humble fisherman on a meager wage, and called him to be his apprentice. The reason Peter dropped what he was doing to follow Christ is because Jesus surprised him with the opportunity of a lifetime! Peter could have looked at everything that didn’t qualify him to follow a Rabbi like Jesus, but instead he embraced the call anyway and stepped into the unknown with a heart full of faith and expectation for what was to come. 

Secondly, we will need to leave what is familiar, what is known, and what is certain. Peter would have had his life almost determined for him. He would likely have continued his business as a fisherman with his brother, possibly raised a family, and lived in the same town all his life. This would have brought a sense of certainty and familiarity to him. However, when Jesus called him, this threw his best laid plans out the window.  He left a known present for an unknown future, and the familiar surroundings of his town for an unfamiliar road ahead. The call of God truly changed everything for Peter that day.

We all have a choice just like Peter did. Either a life ruled  by comfort, insecurity, fear and familiarity or the abundant and adventurous life Jesus promises us when we follow Him. It’s not just going to be based on whether we hear the call, but whether we are prepared to leave all to follow Him.


  • What insecurities, fears, comforts or familiarities is Jesus challenging you to leave behind in order to follow Him? Write down specific areas you might have to leave behind in order to follow Him today.  
  • How has God’s call on your life changed everything for you thus far? Are you making the most of your discipleship journey at this moment?  
  • What could your life look like if you fully embraced the call of God? 


God, thank you so much for calling me. Thank you for the abundant life and the faith adventure you have in store for me. Give me courage and peace to leave things behind in order to follow You. Help me to use this present moment wisely. Shape my thinking and my doing and help me get prepared for the things that are coming. I trust you! In Jesus name, Amen.

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About this Plan

Called Out

At Hillsong College, we believe that each one of us have been called out to advance God's Kingdom here on earth. This discipleship study will help you discover and embrace the call of God. This 5 Day plan was written by students and staff of Hillsong College.
