Where Was God In All Of This?नमुना

Where Was God In All Of This?

DAY 5 OF 5

Some questions will remain unanswered until we slip into eternity. The Spirit of Truth is here to assist us when we ask for his divine assistance on matters that we cannot find answers to. When painful truths come to challenge your faith, you need a way to lock into the promises that God offers as solutions.

Consider this, you were born at a time in history like no other. There is information all around us, technology has advanced far beyond our wildest imagination. Yet, the same questions you struggle with have existed since the beginning of time. Why does sin exist? Why did God create man with this free will instead of giving us the same mind/heart to obey him? Why do people die? All great questions with reliable answers. The bigger question is…where do you fit in all of this? How did you come to this point in your life? Are your questions beyond God's answers…or have you hardened your heart so that you can't hear?

Psalm 34:18 (New American Standard Bible) The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Whether you're going through a divorce, death of a loved one, miscarriage, or any other major life tragedy – God is near. Not only that, he saves and rescues people who have given up hope. Most of the anger people feel toward God is because they have given up on the idea of a loving God. They look at the circumstances around them and think he's not there. Every waking moment of your life, God is planning a way to reach you. He is looking for opportunities to step in and interrupt your pain. The Father would literally leave behind ninety-nine believing souls to rescue yours from the pit of despair. 

Luke 15:4 (New International Version) Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?

Through this devotional, he is inviting you back into His loving care. You can't do this on your own and survive. The weight of the anger, pain, and bitterness would crush you eventually. Receive his love today.

Here is a prayer to help you open the door of your heart:

Father God, I know that I need to reconnect with you. I have been angry at what I see happening in my life and in the world around me. I confess that your son Jesus is the answer I have been seeking. Restore me back into your love and embrace me right now. Heal me in places I am not even aware that need healing. Give me my joy and peace back as I continue to pour my heart out to you. Help me stay plugged into your word and prayer so that I can become stronger daily. I pray this prayer in faith, and I know you hear. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Next steps: Community – get plugged into a church, a group, or a fellowship where you can be spiritually fed and grow. Seek godly counsel and/or counseling to deal with any mental health issues that you may be struggling with. Get a Bible or use this app to read God's word daily. Pray and have conversations with God often, throughout the day. As you establish these things consistently, you will begin to see changes in yourself that will strengthen you to withstand the challenges or tragedies that come your way.

We hope this plan encouraged you. Don't forget to explore other resources here on YouVersion. God bless you on your journey!

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About this Plan

Where Was God In All Of This?

This devotional explores the despair from seeing tragedy in the world around us. Whether you are struggling with a personal crisis or the fallout from the latest violent headlines, this devotional can help you: - Recover lost faith and hope in God - Reconnect to God’s love for the world - Understand the role God plays in the world’s ongoing story - Find connection to the ultimate source of hope
