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8 पैकी 8 दिवस

Day 8.


“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame…”
—Hebrews 12:2 [NIV]

During the first century, the Roman Empire perfected the ancient and barbaric form of execution through the crucifixion. They experimented with their victims over decades to discover how to inflict maximum pain and tormenting shame. 

Think for a moment about the crucifixion of Jesus. For six excruciating hours, Jesus experienced unimaginable pain and unparalleled vulnerability.

Throughout Jesus’ trial, interrogation, and crucifixion, the Jewish and Roman officials continually scorned Jesus [Matthew 27:27-44]. To scorn is to ridicule, disdain, belittle, and humiliate the victim.

Examples of scorning:

“Hail, King of the Jews!” (v29)

“If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.” (v40)

“He saved others; he cannot save himself.” (v42)

With the drama of the cross in mind, ponder the profound phrase: “scorning its shame” [Hebrews 12:2].

Slow down for a moment and chew on these words: Jesus vehemently scorned the shame of the cross, while on the cross. 

What else took place on the “old rugged cross?” 

  • Jesus was unmoved by shame. 
  • Jesus humiliated shame. 
  • Jesus disarmed shame.
  • Jesus forced shame to hide. 
  • Jesus silenced shame. 


Imagine you invite shame with you on an adventure. You meet shame at the marina and hire a small boat. Shame is thrilled that the two of you finally have some quality time alone together. 

You set out to sea and, after about an hour, shame irritably asks, “Are we there yet?” However, you remain silent and serene. After a couple of hours, the two of you finally arrive safely on a deserted tropical island. 

You explain to shame that you are going to play a game of hide-and-seek. You tell shame to count to fifty while you find an obscure place to hide. Amusingly, you hear shame cooperate and begin to count, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5…”

Meanwhile, you quietly get back in the boat and leave shame alone on the island. You then hear shame shout enthusiastically, “…48, 49, 50! Ready or not, here I come!” 

A few minutes pass, and you can hear a distant sound from the island, “Where are you?” Moment by moment the voice of shame is getting quieter and quieter – “Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?” And then there is complete silence.

You slowly make your way back to the marina with a smile on your face. You quietly and yet fervently say to yourself, Good riddance shame… Shame off me! 

Shame is no longer a nagging and demanding passenger that once hijacked and derailed your life. 

Shame is no longer tormenting you and consuming your life. For the first time in a long time, you are free.

As the curtain of this devotion closes, I leave you these parting life-giving words:


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पवित्र शास्त्र

दिवस 7

या योजनेविषयी


The SHAME OFF YOU devotion will take you on an eight-day pilgrimage for your soul, embracing the ancient wisdom of the Biblical narrative and a diversity of spiritual practices such as meditation, reflection, prayer, and confession. Are you ready to be a shame buster? Start reading and start moving in partnership with the Holy Spirit into shame-free living.
