Depressed To Deep Rest In God नमुना

Depressed To Deep Rest In God

DAY 4 OF 5

Defending your Joy 

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. - Proverbs 4:23

In order to guard our hearts, we must first know the intentions of our heart. The Bible says,  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9

Our hearts drift, and it drifts bad. When our hearts drift from God, it's easy for the enemy to sell us a lie as the truth. The truth is only found in one place: Jesus Christ. 

"The door of depression is open to destroy your destiny when you don't guard your heart correctly, with the Truth of God's word." 

Today, I pray that you will guard your heart from the things that take away your joy and delight in God. May we never drop the precious gift of your presence in exchange for things like worry, anxiety, and depression that are not meant for us to carry. Your presence is enough and will always be enough. Rid my heart of toxic thoughts and replace it with thoughts that please You. Lord, because of You I am forever grateful and equipped for every good work. Amen!

Depression Kills, but Jesus Heals.

Depression cuts deep, but the love of Jesus heals - the darkest wounds of the heart.
No matter the tragedy of yesterday.
No matter what the enemies you face today.
No matter what circumstances that arise in the future. 

This is our fighting position — bended knees, head bowed down, hands put together, heart crying out .

The battle is not mine, it’s the Lord’s.

Present all your concerns in the loving Hands of your Heavenly Father today, and you will not be anxious or depressed about anything, His peace will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.  


  • PROTECT: We joyfully persevere to the end of our journey when we guard our hearts. Protect your joy.  
  • RELY: Rely on God, not yourself - and others. A single prayer to God is more powerful than you calling up the US and China Armed forces combined to fight your battles for you. Not by might nor by power, but by His Spirit. 
  • AUTHENTICITY: Be authentic towards God. He sees all the details about you inwardly and outwardly. There are no hidden things in His sight. 
  • YOU: A quick reminder it's not about you, today! Take yourself out of every scenario. It's all about Jesus. In everything you do. Strive to be the person who Christ died for you to become. 
दिवस 3दिवस 5

About this Plan

Depressed To Deep Rest In God

Depression is not your final destination. It may be the reality of your present moment, but if you're reading this devotional right now your journey isn't over. Don't give up! No matter where you've been, what you've been through or where you think you're headed. What's more important is where you are now - right where you are! God is right there with you. This devotional will help you realign your focus and quiet your heart as you read and rest in God's word. This series is based on Philippians 4:6-7
