Priceless: Who I Am When I Feel...नमुना

Priceless:  Who I Am When I Feel...

DAY 5 OF 5

 When I Feel Unpopular . . . I’m MADE TO STAND OUT!

I don’t blend in. I have a brain injury. I stand out, but I love standing out and standing up for what really matters. I don’t want to fit in. I want to make a difference!

Define “Popular.” Seriously, what does “popular” actually mean?

Did you know that many dictionaries offer two definitions of “popular?” The first says “what everybody admires, likes, or desires to be.” The second definition might surprise you. It goes something like this … “generic, non-special, middle-of-the-road.”

Do you really want to be generic, non-special, and just like everyone else when you were made to be SO MUCH MORE? You were never meant to fit into the world; you were made to change it! You were never designed to make your name great. You were created to make God’s name great. That can only happen when you are brave enough to be YOU!

Stop trying to blend in to everything around you, and start making a difference in everyone around you!

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. (Psalm 119:105)


It’s okay if I’m not in the popular crowd because I don’t want to blend in. I want to stand out and be a LIGHT for You in the darkness. I love the visual of “light in the darkness” because people are drawn to the light. When there is light to illuminate the path, we can see the potential dangers in front of us and walk the other way. It just takes one choosing to stand up and be different and then others will follow. No one wants to be part of the darkness except our evil enemy. I want to be part of the light! I want to value what You value—Your Name and Your Word!

The LORD will work out his plans for my life—for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever… (Psalm 138:8)


Thank you for seeing the BEST in me. I am so grateful that You preserve my life and You will fulfill the purpose You ordained for me since before the beginning of time. I have nothing to fear because Your right hand will protect me and guide me. I’m going to stop blending in and start changing the world!

Praising You with all of my heart!

To see what God has to say about more of your feelings not listed here, visit for the full Priceless study or to connect with the author Jen Barrick. 

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About this Plan

Priceless:  Who I Am When I Feel...

Your feelings aren’t a bad thing. They are a gift from God to make space in your heart for more of Him! God loves your age. He perfectly designed your teen years to capture your whole heart! He sees you and wants you to know Him more. This reading plan is a fun, interactive adventure in Psalms that will teach you how to communicate with God in new ways that make you feel confident, loved, and known.
