Mattha 11
Jesus an Jhone tha Baptiser
1Eftèr Jesus haed daen giein oardèrs tae hïs twal follaers, he gaed on frae thair tae taich an praich ïn tha toons roon aboot.
2Noo Jhone wus ïn jail, an whaniver he heerd whut Christ wus daein, he sent [twa o] hïs follaers 3an the' axt hïm, “Ir you tha Yin that wus supposed tae cum#11.3 The' wur taakin aboot tha Messiah, or shud we be lukkin oot fer some ither bodie?” 4Jesus toul thaim, “Gae bak an gie Jhone an accoont o whut ye hear an see. 5Blin fowk can see noo, lameters can waak, fowk wi leprosie ir made weel. Deef fowk can hear. Tha deid leeve agane. An tha Guid News ïs praicht tae tha puir. 6An blisst ïs tha yin that daesnae misdoot me#11.6 or: ïs no affrontit o me.”
7As Jhone's follaers wur leain, Jesus stairtit tae taak tae tha croods aboot hïm: “Whut dïd yis gang oot ïntae tha wuldèrness fer tae see? Wus ït tae see tha rushes sweein ïn tha wun? 8If no, whut dïd ye thïnk ye wud see oot thair? A man aa rigged oot ïn fancie claes? Na, tha yins ïn fancie claes, ït's ïn kïngs' palaces ye wull fin them. 9Sae whut dïd yis gae oot fer tae see? Wus ït a proaphit? Ay, A tell ye, an faur mair ner a proaphit. 10Thïs ïs tha yin tha Scrïptures taak aboot whan the' say:
‘Lïsten, A wull senn oot ma messenger aheid o ye;
he wull mak readie tha wye afore ye.’
11A tell ye tha truith: amangst thaim boarn o a wumman, naebodie haes iver leeved that's mair impoartin ner Jhone tha Baptiser; yit tha yin that ïs laist ïn tha Kïngdom o Heiven ïs a bettèr man ner hïm. 12Frae tha time Jhone tha Baptiser stairtit tae praich up til noo, fowk ir tryin tae püsh thair wye ïntae tha Kïngdom o Heiven, an violent men ir takkin houl o ït. 13Fer up tae Jhone's time, aa tha proaphits an tha Laa foretoul whut wus tae happen. 14An ïf ye ir wullin tae believe whut A say, Jhone ïs tha Elijah that wus tae cum. 15Let hïm that haes ears ïn hïs heid tak tent!
16Whut can A say aboot tha fowk noo-a-days? The' ir laik weans sïttin doon at tha mairket an caain oot tae tha ithers,
17‘We played tha whustle fer ye, an ye wudnae daunce;
we sung a dirge tae ye, an ye wudnae greet.’
18Fer Jhone wusnae ïntae aitin ner drïnkin whan he cum, an the' say, ‘Thair's a baad spïrit ïn hïm.’ 19Yit tha Sinn o Man cum aitin an drïnkin, an the' say, ‘Wud ye luk at hïm, he's a glutton, an he's tarrible fand o tha drïnk sae he ïs - tha freen o tex men an wrangdaers!’ But daein whut's richt proves tha wusdom o God's wyes.”
Sartin cïties tuk tae task
20Then Jesus stairtit tae tak tae task tha cïties whar he haed daen tha maist o hïs mïracles, acause the' dïdnae repent. 21“Sorra tae Chorazim, an sorra tae Bethsaida, fer ïf tha fowk o Tyre an Sidon haed saen tha warkin o God's pooer as yous hae saen ït, the' wud hae repentit lang syne ïn seckclaith an eshes. 22But A'm tellin ye, tha fowk o Tyre an Sidon wull be bettèr aff on tha Day o Reckonin than yous wull. 23An Capernaum, you micht thïnk ye'r weel on yer wye tae heiven. Na, but A'm tellin ye, ye'll be brocht doon tae hell! Fer ïf tha mïracles that wus daen ïn you haed bin daen ïn Sodom, ït wud be thair tae thïs day. 24But A tell ye that Sodom wull be bettèr aff on tha day o Reckonin ner you.”
Ma yauk ïs aisie
25At that time Jesus saed, “Faither, Loard o heiven an irth, A praise ye that ye hae kep these thïngs frae clivir an warlie-wise fowk, an made thaim clear eneuch fer weans tae unnèrstan. 26Ay, Faither, ït haes plaised ye tae dae ït thïs wye.
27Ma Faither haes gien aa thïngs ower tae me, an naebodie unnèrstans tha Sinn apairt frae tha Faither, an naebodie unnèrstans tha Faither apairt frae tha Sinn, an whaiver tha Sinn wants tae reveal hïm tae. 28Cum tae me, aa you that's wearie an burdent, an A wull gie ye rest. 29Tak ma yauk upon ye an lairn frae me, fer A'm gentle an hummle ïn hairt, an yis'll fin rest fer yer sowls. 30Fer ma yauk ïs aisie, an ma burden ïs licht.”
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Mattha 11: USNT
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