Luke 20
chapter twenty
1and it is happened, in one of the days, while he has taught the people in house HaMikdash, and announced the Good News, are the chief kohenim and the scribes and the elders approached 2and have said to him, so to say: tell us, with whose authority you do the these things? or who is it, who has you (SG) given the this authority? 3he however has answering said to them: I will you (PL) also ask a question! and tell me: 4the mikveh of John was from heaven or from men? 5and they have it reasoned among themselves, so to say: will we say: from heaven, will he say: then why have you (PL) him not believed? 6will we however say: from men, will the whole people us stone, because the ones are confident, that John was a prophet. 7and they have answered, that they know not from where. 8and Yehoshua has to them said: tell I you (PL) also not with whose authority I do the these things.
9and he has begun to say to the people the these parable: a man has planted a vineyard, and it leased to tenants, and has depart for a long time. 10and at the season has he sent a servant to the gardeners, that they should him give of the fruit of the vineyard; the gardeners however have him struck, and sent away with nothing. 11and he has more to send an other servant; they however have also that one struck and dressed him evils, and sent away with nothing. 12and he has added did to send a third; however also the this have they bloodily beat up and thrown out. 13and the lord of the vineyard has said: what shall I do? I will send my beloved son; perhaps will they him spare. 14but as the gardeners have him seen, have they self reasoned one with the other, and said: the this one is the heir; let us him kill; so that the inheritance shall be ours. 15and they have him thrown out out of the vineyard, and him slaughtered. what then will the lord of the vineyard do to them? 16he will come and kill the these gardeners, and the vineyard give to others. and when they have this heard, have they said: never! 17he however has on them looked, and said; what then is the these, which stand written;
a stone, which the builders have rejected,
the this one is become for the chief of the corner (stone)?
(Psalms 118, 22)
18every one, who falls on that stone,
will crushed be;
on whom however it will fall,
will it him crush.
(Yeshayah 5, 14-15; Daniel 2, 34-35)
19and the scribes and the chief kohenim have sought to lay the hands on him in the same hour; and have fear had before the people; because they have understand, that he has said the these parable on them. 20and they have lie in wait on him, and sent spies, who have self passed oneself off for righteous, so that him to catch with a word, that they should him give over to the authority and the power of the governor. 21and they have him asked, so to say: Rebbe, we know, that you (SG) speak and teach rightly, and are not partial to the face, but teach on a truth the way of Hashem. 22lawful we give tax to the Caesar, or not? 23he however has understood their craftiness, and has to them said: 24show me a denarius. whose image and inscription has it? and they have said: the Caesar's. 25and he has to them said: therefore give up (to) the Caesar that, which is the Caesar's, and to Hashem that, which is Hashem's! 26and they have him not be able to catch with any word before the people; and have self amazed on his answer, and have (became) silent.
27and are come over to him some of the Sadducees, which say, that it is there is not any resurrection of the dead ones; 28and have him asked, so to say: Rebbe, Moses has us written; if anyone's brother will die, having a wife, and is without a child, shall his brother take the woman, and raise up seeds to his brother. (Deuteronomy 25, 5-6.) 29(look) here are was seven brothers; and the first has taken a wife, and is died without children; 30and the second; 31and the third has her taken; and so a have also the seven not left any children, and have died. 32to the end is also the woman died. 33whose wife from them will therefore the woman be after resurrection of the dead ones? because the seven have her had for a wife. 34and Yehoshua has to them said: the children of the this world have marry, and to be married made; 35the (ones) however, that are worthy to obtain that world and resurrection of the dead ones, have not marriage, and to be not married made; 36because they can more not die; because they are like to the angels; and are Hashem's children, being children of resurrection of the dead ones. 37and that the dead stand up, has also Moses alluded to did by the bush, when he calls the L-rd the G-d of Abraham and the G-d of Isaac and the G-d of Jacob. (Exodus 3, 6.) 38he however is the G-d, not of the dead, but of the living ones; because all live before Him. 39and some of the scribes have answering said: Rebbe, you (SG) have well spoken! 40because they have self more not dare, him something to ask.
41he however has to them said: like in this way says it, that the Moshiach is David's son? 42David himself says after all in the book of Psalms:
the L-rd has said to my L-rd:
sit at my right side,
43until I will lay down your enemies
for a footstool to your feet.
(Psalms 110, 1)
44David calls him therefore L-rd; and how then is he his son?
45and while the whole people has self to listen, has he said to the disciples: 46beware self of the scribes, who want walking in prayer shawls, and have love men shall them give peace in the marketplaces, and the first places in synagogue, and seats at the head at feasts; 47they devour the houses of widows, and for an pretext pray they long; they will received a greater judgment.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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