Joshua 4

Two Stone Memorials Established
1When the entire nation had finished their miracle-crossing of the Jordan, Yahweh said to Joshua, 2“Choose twelve men, # 4:2 Jesus, our heavenly Joshua, likewise chose twelve men to be his disciples. one from each of the twelve tribes of Israel. 3Instruct each of them to take a stone from the riverbed, twelve stones from the very place where the priests stand with the ark. Have them carry the stones over to the place where you camp tonight.”
4So Joshua summoned the twelve men he had selected from the Israelites, one per tribe. 5Joshua instructed them, “Walk out to the middle of the riverbed to the ark of Yahweh your God. Each of you choose a stone and lift it up onto your shoulder—one stone for each tribe. 6The stones will always be a sign to you. Someday, when your children ask you, ‘Why are these stones so important?’ 7tell them, ‘The Jordan stopped flowing in front of the ark of the covenant of Yahweh—the floodwaters were completely cut off.’ These stones will serve as a memorial for Israel forever.”
8The Israelites did as Joshua commanded them. They took twelve stones according to the number of the tribes of Israel, from the middle of the riverbed, and carried them to the camp and put them there.
9Joshua set up the memorial stones that they had taken from the exact spot # 4:9 Or “Joshua set up the stones in the exact spot,” which would imply there may have been a second set of memorial stones (one set on land and another on the riverbed). where the priests stood bearing the ark in the riverbed. They remain there to this day. # 4:9 The Talmud states that these stones were still at that very spot even a generation after the destruction of the Second Temple, and that three rabbis stood on top of them (Talmud, Sotah 34a).
10While the priests remained standing in the middle of the Jordan with the ark on their shoulders, the people hurried across. All the instructions Yahweh had given to Joshua were carried out # 4:10 For the priests to stand still for many hours with the heavy ark on their shoulders was a test of their strength, patience, and courage. We also are priests in the kingdom of God, and we are called upon to possess those same qualities. —just as Moses had told Joshua. # 4:10 See Deut. 31:7–8. 11And when Israel had finished crossing, the ark of Yahweh and the priests crossed as the people looked on.
12The Reubenites, the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh went across, armed and ready for battle, in front of the Israelites, as Moses had commanded them. # 4:12 See Num. 32:20–22. 13In all, about forty thousand men were equipped for battle. And they all marched before Yahweh to wage war on the plains of Jericho.
14On that day, Yahweh exalted Joshua before all the people. As they had stood in awe of Moses, so they stood in awe of Joshua for the rest of his life.
The Jordan Returns to Flood Stage
15Yahweh said to Joshua, # 4:15 Joshua heard the voice of God in real time. 16“Command the priests carrying the ark of the covenant # 4:16 Or “the ark of testimony [instruction].” to come up from the Jordan.” 17So Joshua did as he was commanded, 18and the priests carrying the ark of the covenant of Yahweh came up from the riverbed. And the moment their feet touched the western bank of the Jordan, the floodwaters surged back in place where they were before and returned to flood stage.
19The people experienced the miracle-crossing of the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month of the Jewish calendar. # 4:19 The “first month” is the month of Abib, which began with the first new moon occurring after March 11 on the Gregorian calendar, so the crossing occurred between March 21 and April 18. It was on this same day forty years earlier that Israel set apart the Passover Lamb in Egypt (see Ex. 12:2–3, 18). (See Keil, Joshua, 51.) They established their base camp at Gilgal, # 4:19 Gilgal means “circle” or “rolling away.” east of Jericho, # 4:19 Or “on the east border of Jericho,” which was about halfway between the Jordan and Jericho. 20where Joshua set up a memorial with the twelve stones taken from the Jordan. 21He told the Israelites, “In time to come, when children ask their fathers, ‘Why are these stones so important?’ 22tell them, ‘Here is the place where the Israelites crossed the Jordan on dry ground!’ 23For your God, Yahweh, dried up the waters of the Jordan before your eyes until you crossed over, # 4:23 Elijah had a repeat of this miracle-crossing (see 2 Kings 2:7–8). Those who walk in the “spirit of Elijah” today can likewise expect miracles in their ministry. Elisha, who had a double portion of the spirit of Elijah, also performed the miracle-crossing (see 2 Kings 2:9–14; cf. John 14:12). just as Yahweh your God did for us years ago; he dried up the Red Sea while we crossed over! 24He has done these miracles so that all the earth will be in awe # 4:24 Or “know firsthand” from the Hebrew word yada. of the mighty power # 4:24 Or “hand.” of Yahweh and that you might always obey # 4:24 Or “fear,” which has a varied universe of meanings in Hebrew. The two miracles—the parting of the Red Sea and the miracle-crossing of the Jordan—carry a message for the entire world to learn. As believers in our heavenly Joshua, our Lord Jesus, we can learn from the symbolism of these miracles. The Red Sea parting shows us deep lessons of our salvation from sin, and so does the Jordan crossing. We were co-buried with Christ in baptism into his death (Jordan), and now we are co-raised with him on the “dry ground” of resurrection territory (see Rom. 6:4–5; Col. 2:12). Yahweh your God!”

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Joshua 4: TPT


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