Isaiah 3

When God Rises to Judge
1Behold—Yahweh, the Sovereign One,
the Commander of Angel Armies, is about to cut off
from Jerusalem and Judah every source of their
support and security, # 3:1 “Support and security” is a play on words similar to “bag and baggage” or “house and home.” including all food supplies and water.
2He will remove their heroes and soldiers,
prophets and judges, their psychics and statesmen,
3their respected military leaders,
pillars of the community, # 3:3 Or “the ones lifted up with respect to their faces”; that is, their respected elite.
their counselors, skilled craftsmen, # 3:3 See 2 Kings 24:14. The Hebrew word charashim is a homonym that can be translated either “skilled craftsmen” or “magicians.”
and those professional charmers. # 3:3 Or “eloquent orators,” “clever enchanters,” “intelligentsia” (LXX).
4I will make inexperienced youth their rulers,
and children # 3:4 Or “mockers” (LXX). will govern them.
5Everyone will take advantage of everyone else,
and neighbor will struggle against neighbor.
The youth will not respect their elders,
and the dishonorable will sneer at those worthy of honor.
6One man will even seize a relative
right in his father’s house and say,
At least you own a coat; you be our leader!
You can oversee this heap of ruins!”
7In that day he will cry out,
“I have no remedy for this mess! # 3:7 Or “I will not be a healer” or “I will not be your leader” (LXX).
I don’t have any food or clothes either,
so don’t make me your leader!” # 3:7 Ignoring leadership is the definition of anarchy. As we ignore the one who is our true leader, we are left with those who have no remedy. The righteous King has a cloak of righteousness to give us if we will only turn to him.
8Jerusalem has stumbled and Judah has fallen
because their words and their works
are defiant before the face of the Lord’s glorious presence. # 3:8 Or “provoking the glance of his glorious eyes” (see Hab. 1:13). Sin provokes the glorious eyes of God. This is the opposite of finding favor in his eyes.
9The look on their impudent faces says it all,
for they publicly flaunt their sin like Sodom,
not even trying to hide it. # 3:9 See Jer. 3:3.
Woe to their souls, for they invite
disaster upon themselves.
10Yet reassure the righteous; it will go well with them!
They will fully enjoy the reward of their deeds. # 3:10 The lovers of God, even in a time of difficulty, can enjoy the sweet fruits of seeking God and serving his kingdom. They will reap the good seeds they planted, for seeds turn into fruit. The fruit of their deeds is the holy confidence that God is with them, even in a season of judgment. We can know it will go well with us, for the message of hope is this: Tell the righteous they can still be joyful and it will be well with them.
11But woe to the guilty, # 3:11 Isaiah used the phrase “woe to the guilty” twenty-two times. (One time he used it about himself.)
for they will get fully what they deserve!
12My people, mockers exploit you
and creditors # 3:12 Or “women.” rule over you.
My people, your leaders mislead you
and confuse you with their guidance. # 3:12 As translated from the Septuagint. The Hebrew appears to read “My people, his oppressors he deals with severely, and women rule over them. My people, your guides oppress you and confuse [a homonym for “swallow up”] the way of your paths.” It is difficult to understand the correct meaning of the text, and it is debated among scholars.
The Judge in His Courtroom
13Yahweh is taking his rightful place in court;
he is rising to judge his people.
14Yahweh comes to issue the guilty verdict
of the elders and leaders of his people, saying:
“You are the ones who have ruined the nation! # 3:14 Or “the vineyard,” which is a metaphor for God’s vineyard, the nation of Israel. In the New Testament, God’s vineyard is the church, the source of joy and blessing to the nations. To be leaders in God’s kingdom means being examples of purity, avoiding every form of corruption.
Your houses are full of what you’ve stolen from the poor!
15What gives you the right to crush my people
by shoving the faces of the poor into the dirt?” # 3:15 Or “by grinding the faces of the poor.” See Prov. 22:22–23.
Yahweh, the Sovereign One, Commander of Angel Armies,
has spoken.
Cleansing the Daughters of Zion
16Here is what Yahweh says:
“The daughters of Zion are proud,
walking about arrogantly with their noses in the air. # 3:16 Or “with an outstretched neck.”
Their eyes are seductive as they skip along
with jewelry jingling on their ankles. # 3:16 Metaphorically, these “daughters of Zion” could represent churches today that walk in pride, flirting with the world. In ch. 4, they lay hold of one man, Jesus Christ.
17So the Lord # 3:17 The Hebrew is the name Adonai; also in v. 18. will afflict the foreheads
of the daughters of Zion with scabs; # 3:17 A scab would make them unclean and unable to come before God as priests (see Lev. 13:2–6). Scabs are unhealed wounds. Our thoughts (foreheads) must be clean and healed from any past wounds.
Yahweh will make the front of their heads bald in that day.”
18-19In that day, the Lord will strip away their vanity
their beautiful ankle jewelry, necklaces, crescent pendants,
earrings, bracelets, and veils of shimmering gauze.
20Gone will be their elaborate headdresses and ankle chains,
their sashes, sachets, # 3:20 Or “perfume boxes” (lit. “houses of breath”). and charms.
21He will snatch away their signet rings and nose rings,
22their stately gowns, capes, shawls, cloaks, and purses,
23hand mirrors, fine linen garments interwoven
with gold and purple, turbans, and long veils. # 3:23 When we put our emphasis on what is outward and ignore purity within, we stand in danger of losing it all. God looks upon the heart, not the outward appearance (see 1 Sam. 16:7).
24A stench will take the place of seductive perfumes;
a rope will take the place of a sash,
baldness for braided hair, rags instead of a fine robe,
and the brand of a captive instead of beauty.
25Your men will fall on the battlefield
and your heroes will die in war.
26Cries of mourning will be heard at the city gates;
with the anguish of such great loss,
she will sit down and grieve in the dirt.

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