Philippians - Living in the WordЗагвар

Philippians - Living in the Word

30-с 14 дахь өдөр

Key Verse:

Colossians 2:6-7

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.


In tomorrow's reading, Paul will correct some of the heretical teachings that were spreading through the church at Colossae. Today, however, we see him warning them against letting "hollow and deceptive philosophy" inform their beliefs and reminding them of the true gospel message: Though we were dead in our transgressions, Christ made us alive in Him and erased our debt. This passage specifically says that He nailed our sins and debt to the cross. This is the good news!


What deceptive philosophy do you see running rampant in our culture today? What does scripture say instead?

Take time to reflect on the weight of Jesus' sacrifice for us. Thank Him for His victory over sin and death.

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Philippians - Living in the Word

Beginning with Philippians, Paul gives insight into his personal experiences, including his ability to be content in both abundance and lack. Then, in Colossians, Paul focuses on the supremacy of Christ, showcasing His sovereignty in the physical and spiritual realms. Finally, in 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Paul writes to honor and congratulate the Christians in Thessalonica for their faith and growth in the face of intense persecution.
