Daily Devotionals - JuneЗагвар

Daily Devotionals - June

30-с 26 дахь өдөр

What's Passed...Is Passed!

How many dreams died because we stopped believing in them? How often has someone suddenly said it was too much of a trip, so it didn't happen. How many gifts do we allow to be buried by situations into which we fall, and then think God left us aside because we sinned? Don't turn away from God because of your sin! Repent and get closer to Him so you can overcome your sin!

Sometimes we are so paralyzed by our thoughts and paranoia that we don't let ourselves experience the fullness of what God wants for us. Lazarus died, Martha had already given up and told Jesus that it was no longer worth trying anything. But Jesus didn't give up. He called Lazarus out of the grave and surprised everyone who was there. If you have a dream, let Jesus call it into existence! If you have a gift, ask Jesus to call it and you back to life!

What's gone is gone! A man pushes away the stone, but it is Jesus who calls people out of the grave!

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Daily Devotionals - June

Devotionals available daily so that God speaks in our hearts! We all need time spent with Him.
