Homecoming Fasting & Prayer DevotionalЗагвар

Homecoming Fasting & Prayer Devotional

21-с 15 дахь өдөр

Thankfulness in the Common

Daily Thought:

Psalm 118 is a special selection of scripture as it centers around the community’s thankfulness for God’s deliverance. In particular, the community gives thanks to God simply for providing them with another day. It is thankfulness in the most common everyday occurrences where we can root ourselves in a grateful heart turned towards the Lord. We can be thankful for the most extreme and the most common of things!

Scripture Excerpt:

Psalm 118:24, ESV
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Prayer Point:

Before entering prayer, list some of the most common, everyday things in your life. A new day, your health, your breath, etc. Take time to thank God in prayer for these simple things in life. Perhaps this posture of gratitude will put a new perspective on even the most seemingly insignificant of life’s blessings!


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Homecoming Fasting & Prayer Devotional

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