Among LionsЗагвар

Among Lions

30-с 21 дахь өдөр

CONTEXT: Daniel is an old man still living in Babylon, which King Darius now rules.

Have you ever felt like your age hindered you? Maybe you’ve felt too young to lead or have an impact on those around you. Or maybe you’ve felt too old, questioning if your best years are behind you or if God still has a purpose for your life. As we‘ve seen throughout the life of Daniel, God can and does use us at any age. Chapter 1 shows a young Daniel’s impact on King Nebuchadnezzar as he interpreted dreams. Now, we read that he continued influencing those around him even into his eighties.

Last week, we learned that King Darius took over Babylon after defeating King Belshazzar. Like the kings before him, Darius appointed Daniel to a powerful position in the kingdom. What made Daniel so influential that one king after another found favor and elevated him? Was he really that smart? Did he make himself indispensable? Did he manipulate and scheme his way to the top? No. While Daniel was gifted, he recognized that everything he had - his talent, protection, and positions - all came from God. He performed his daily tasks as though he was doing them for God and not a king. Daniel wasn’t motivated by a king’s validation or praise. His motives were simply to please God in all things.

Daniel didn’t desire popularity or strive to prove his worth. Yes, God used him to do significant things. But over the span of a lifetime, those major events were very few. The majority of his life was spent in faithful service to God and others. Daniel, like us, was called to a life of integrity and faithfulness. By living each day from a place of humility, gratitude, and dependency, God was able to use Daniel for HIS purpose.

Everyone has a desire to know they matter and have a purpose. For many of us, that desire leads to frustration, so we create our own destiny, while others become overwhelmed and defeated by the process. Maybe you’re afraid of missing your purpose or discouraged by believing that your purpose was wrapped up in the past. The truth is our purpose isn’t a mystery to be solved. It’s for each of us to live a life faithfully dedicated to God, bringing honor and glory to Him in everything we do.


1. Think back over your life. Have you ever felt too young or too old to be used by God? How did that season impact your relationship with God?

2. Consider your motives. Do you feel like you have to prove or strive to prove your worth? What would it look like for you to surrender your ideal purpose to be faithful right where He’s placed you?

3. Write a prayer asking God to help you stay faithfully consistent as you keep Him at the center of everything you do.

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