After This Comes Judgment.Загвар

After This Comes Judgment.

3-с 1 дахь өдөр

Day 1: Why Judgment?

God’s judgment exists because He will not allow sin and wickedness to go on unaddressed.

God is the God of justice, righteousness, and holiness.

This means He defines what is right and what is wrong. He encourages and promotes right things, and He enforces consequences for wrong things.

God knows how flawed and corrupt mankind is, so in His mercy He allows a certain amount of time for each of us to choose to know Him and be made righteous. When that time is up we face judgment. God’s judgment is when everyone is held accountable for their actions.

Have you ever wondered why so many bad things happen in the world, but people seem to get away with it? This is especially difficult when people who are innocent suffer from the wrong doing of others. The promise of God’s judgment is what we have to hold on to in these circumstances. In the end, people will not get away with the evil they have done because we will all be judged.

No one will be able to escape or avoid it. For those who are not saved by the blood of Jesus Christ it will be an awful, terrible day with horrors you can’t imagine. For those who are it will be a time of unspeakable joy as we enjoy the presence of our King!

Judgment will be a good or a bad thing depending on the choices we decide to make.

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