CREED, Rebuilding Your Family FortressЗагвар

CREED, Rebuilding Your Family Fortress

10-с 10 дахь өдөр

10. Remember Me

A man’s legacy can be a very complex thing.

For one, leaving a legacy means that he leaves behind great wealth and a big estate for his children. For another, it means leaving behind fond memories of cherished time spent together. And even for others it might mean they leave a set of values, a creed, for their children to still follow when they’re gone.

All the above are great. And the things of spiritual value we leave behind are exceptional as they have eternal value. But how about living your legacy while you’re here on earth? Not just leaving something for your loved ones, but also sharing in it with them while you’re still here.

Throughout the Book resembling his name, Nehemiah prayed six times that God would remember all he did – four of which was in this chapter alone. Nehemiah wanted to leave a legacy for the Israelites after Him. Nehemiah was also interested in God’s approval above man’s, longing for God’s rewards in his life. Nehemiah could do and ask this because he remembered God’s place in his own life as well. When we remember God’s place in and purpose with our lives, we can be certain that He remembers us. Nehemiah asked to be remembered for three specific things in this final chapter.

First, he wanted to be remembered for what he did for God’s Temple and those in service of it. Do you and your family make a point of being involved in a community of faith? Not just attending church or throwing change in the offering basket, but actively involved with what your local church is doing in their broader community. Gladly sharing your available time, talent, and treasure to further God’s kingdom in the world. And this not being out of ritual, but rather relationship...

Second, Nehemiah asked to be remembered for reinstating the Sabbath laws. We are no longer under Jewish customs and rituals. But remember that the Sabbath was mainly instated for families to bless each other, feast together, rest and recover, all while bringing glory to God. This still applies for us today. How often do you shut the door, shut the phone off, shut the world and everyday work out, to spend quality time with your family? And quality time together with God?

Lastly, he asked God to remember that he removed foreign influences from among his people. Now this does not mean we exclude or avoid other cultures. But it does mean we don’t allow worldly, secular, or other spiritual beliefs to influence how we lead our lives and households. Are you basing your personal and family life on the foundation of Christ or the foundation of current culture?

Nehemiah’s request also resembles one of Jesus’ final requests when He implemented communion with his disciples, and all His followers to come after them, “Do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24-25). The first century church held communion as often as they could. It was not simply a sacrament, but a way of life and fellowship.

Let’s remember Jesus in everything we do – whether alone and with others. Let’s COURAGEOUSLY hold to our convictions; serve and lead our households RESPONSIBLY; pursue EXCELLENCE by assuring others are also better off; ENTHUSIASTICALLY work for and celebrate what we have in life; and stay DEVOTED to being men of faithfulness and integrity. Let’s remember to uphold our CREED!

Inspect your own walls:

1. Which characteristics of the CREED do you see portrayed most by Nehemiah in this chapter? (Courage, Responsibility, Excellence, Enthusiasm, and Devotion)

2. How have you been, or can you start, applying what you’ve observed here in your own life?

3. Like Nehemiah, what are you fully devoting to God in prayer today?

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