How to HumanЗагвар

How to Human

5-с 3 дахь өдөр

Be Justice

Somebody told me once that Jesus would never say, “Black Lives Matter.” Jesus would obviously say, “All Lives Matter.”

I get it. Jesus lived on this earth for the purpose of all lives. Absolutely. But when you read the gospels, you can make a case not only that Jesus would have said Black Lives Matter but that He also would have said Samaritan Lives Matter… Gentile Lives Matter… Jewish Lives Matter… Leper Lives Matter…

Jesus was not vague in his standing up for oppressed people groups. He shattered the status quo. He spoke up for marginalized people again and again. His agenda was bigger than politics or culture wars. It was human.

Jesus was completely interested in those forgotten, overlooked, oppressed. We can’t escape it. So instead we join it. This means that to Be Human, we put action to our conviction to follow Jesus.

Remember when I said I didn’t want to complicate this more than it needs to be? Here you go: Justice is standing up for someone who cannot stand up for themselves.

This is about the point we realize that Being Human is going to cost us something. In fact, if it feels too safe, take up the risk factor a bit. Ask yourself if you will lose any friends by taking a stand. I’m not saying that you must sacrifice friends to Be Justice, but I am saying that it may happen. The beautiful thing is that you may lose them for a minute, but the more they look at you and what you are about, the more they will realize that they actually want to be part of justice as well. The more they will realize that to Be Human is to Be Justice.

Deep down everyone believes in justice. If we start by simply letting those in need of our justice know that they matter, that will open us up to relationships that will in turn lead to us being able to advocate for them in other ways.

You have it in you. You have this justice muscle. And you can start using it today.

Why was Jesus so intentional about loving those outside His own people group? Do you believe standing up for others is a part of loving as Jesus loved? Why or why not?

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How to Human

The past few years have shown us an ugly side of humanity thanks to a perfect storm of politics, pandemics, and protests. Still, this plan reminds us that when we are truly human, as God designed us, we are compassionate, kind, and loving people who want to help those around us. In this devotional, we will look at five ways we can be the humans Jesus calls us to be.
