Here I Am, Lord: Devotions from Time of GraceЗагвар

Here I Am, Lord: Devotions from Time of Grace

31-с 30 дахь өдөр

I Live With Pain I don’t know why, Lord, but you have chosen to let me live with chronic pain. I have tried everything; nothing works. Is this my destiny for the rest of my life? I’ve talked to you about it; I’ve pleaded and prayed, but my pain remains. I remember longingly the pain-free days of my youth--they seem gone forever. I pray for sleep, for at least I gain a temporary respite. You must have a plan, Lord. I will admit that I can’t figure it out, but somehow my pain is being worked into your plans. I need help. I fear my stamina is eroding. Help me wait cheerfully, confidently, and faithfully. Help me honor and worship and praise you even when I hurt. “My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption” (Psalm 130:6,7). Lord, I wait and watch for you. None of my troubles is too great for you. Come to my relief. I take great comfort in your unfailing love. I eagerly await the full redemption I know is coming. Work all things together for my good. Refresh my spirit and my weary body. Please come now.
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