Here I Am, Lord: Devotions from Time of GraceЗагвар

Here I Am, Lord: Devotions from Time of Grace

31-с 16 дахь өдөр

I Worry All the Time Lord, I know you want us to pay attention. I know it’s good to be concerned, to be well-organized, to avoid being careless and heedless and thoughtless. But as you well know, I go way beyond all that. Lord, we both know that I am a worrier. I’m not proud of that. In my better moments I trust you. In my better moments I am willing to wait for clarity and deliverance. But in my lesser moments I am afraid, jittery, snappish, pessimistic, and self-pitying. I feel alone, I am terribly aware of Satan’s evil intent, and I am too quick to assume the worst. Here are the thoughts I want to have in my mind. Lord, please help me think like this: “My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me” (Psalm 131:1,2). Please remind me about your steadfast purpose, your unlimited power, your matchless mercy, your watchful eyes, and your great wisdom, because sometimes I forget. I want to feel like a weaned child with you--satisfied, relaxed, tummy full, content, and serene. Can we start now?
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