Three Surprising Things Jesus Said About MoneyЗагвар
Money is a test
Most of us don’t think of our latest paycheck as a test from the Lord. But it is. And actually, it is two tests. First, how we handle our finances tests whether God can trust us. And second, money also tests our hearts by demonstrating what we trust most.
“So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” Luke 16:11 NIV
Jesus is clear that how we handle worldly wealth - faithfully, irresponsibly, generously, indulgently, or anything else - is the same way we would handle “true riches” which are the eternal, spiritual matters.
This point is reinforced in the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14-30). The moral is that the good money manager is trusted with more to manage and hears, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” In contrast, the employee who took his one talent and buried it, which was a way of escaping the responsibility of managing and growing what was entrusted to him, lost the one talent he originally had. Plus, he was barred from managing anything more. The master gave money to each employee as a test to see how each one would manage what they were given.
At the same time, our money management tests our affections. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said:
“‘...You can’t worship the true God while enslaved to the god of money!’” Matt 6:24b TPT
What we prioritize financially reveals our heart’s truest priorities, meaning “where your treasure is, your heart will be also.”
Jesus’ exchange with the Rich Young Ruler demonstrates this. The Ruler asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life. Jesus knew that money had a grip on this man’s heart, so Jesus asked him to surrender his money by selling everything and giving to the poor, and this is the Ruler’s response:
“Completely shocked by Jesus’ answer, he turned and walked away very sad, for he was extremely rich.” Mark 10:22 TPT
Money had a tight grip on the Ruler, which crowded out space for Jesus to be his Lord.
Many tend to feel guilt or shame for “not measuring up” and not passing these tests with the flying colors that we’d like. But, like every other area of life, God created us to depend on and be reliant on Him. We aren’t supposed to be perfect and have it all together.
So my encouragement today is to ask God to speak to you about how you are doing on these money tests. The awesome truth is that these are two tests that God wants to help you and me pass. We need to ask Him for help! So today, ask Him if He would like you to make any adjustments.
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Yes, even Jesus talked a lot about money. I think it’s because He knows what a touchy and even confusing topic it is for many of us. In this plan, we look at three somewhat surprising things Jesus said about money to see what we can learn.