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Accountability in Numbers

John 1:35 says, “The next day John was there again with two of his disciples.” Why was John with his disciples? He was with other disciples for accountability. John’s ministry was to preach and make disciples. Your ministry is just what you are called to do in life, no matter who you are or what you do. John the Baptist was set apart, doing the will of God.

Accountability is also the reason why Jesus Christ told His disciples to go in twos when he sent them out. After Jesus ascended to heaven, his followers often went out in twos to minister, like Peter and John (Acts 3:1) or Paul and Barnabas (Acts 14:1). You want to go out in twos, or more, because you need accountability.

Satan roams around the world like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8). He wants to end your ministry. If you’re literally snatching people out of the flames of fire (Jude 1:23), Satan is angry with you and you’re a target. How often have you heard of people who were involved in ministry, and the next thing you know, they fell into sin? Why do these things happen? Because people go out alone, without accountability. Make sure you’re not putting yourself in a risky situation.

Satan is smart. He studies you. He knows your weakness. If you’re following Jesus, don’t put yourself in situations where you are tempted to sin. Satan wants you to fall. Don’t let him take you out.

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