Adore Him: One Star One Hope Загвар

Adore Him: One Star One Hope

5-с 3 дахь өдөр



JOY is a constant sense of well-being that doesn’t depend on what is in our checking account or on every one of our relationships being “perfect.” Joy, according to the Christmas story, is tasted when we are drawing our sense of well-being from the presence of God in our lives. Thankfulness teaches our eyes to see every situation through the lens of joy, and joy slowly starts to become a more normal experience in our daily lives. 

The shepherds in the Christmas story were not known for being joyful people. In fact, they were considered to be the bums, the thieves, and the fringe of proper society in first-century Palestine. Dismissed by their own culture as morally questionable and spiritually empty outcasts, the shepherds found their sense of (smelly) community with one another and the sheep they tended. We can imagine that a shepherd might look up into the starry sky, night after night, wondering, “Does God even care about what happens to me?” 

To this group of heavy, laboring hearts, God draws near. On the night that Christ is to be born, the sky parts like a theatrical curtain, and a star-studded spectacle with a celestial fireworks display fills the night. As a million voice angelic choir sings (we could imagine that being what “a great company” means), one angel triumphantly announces the birth of Jesus to these aimless wanderers. The shepherds are truly in “shock and awe” as vast numbers of heavenly singers proclaim: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests” (Luke 2:14). 

In that moment, no shepherd could have felt outcast, marginalized, on-the-outside-looking-in, or unloved by God. He had come to them! The miracle was announced to them! With a personal invitation to the first Christmas Party, the shepherds threw off their fears and got connected to God’s plan.

Apply This In Your Life 

The shepherds are an example of how God comes to those who are lonely and disenfranchised, and shows them how much he cares about them. Are you feeling on the outside, looking in? In God’s heart for you, there is no outside. There is only in – you are right in the middle of his love for you. 

A Closing Prayer 

Lord, my joy is in knowing that you love me, are with me, and are guiding my life. I choose to lean into your presence so I can begin to experience the real, timeless joy of being Your child.


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Adore Him: One Star One Hope

During Advent, we remember that Jesus is God’s Star, heralding God’s love and forgiving power to us. Each devotional in this series is for one of the Sundays leading up to Christmas. The fifth, and final devotional, is for Christmas Day. Use these short reflections around a meal table, or on your own. More than anything, lift your eyes to God’s Star –Jesus – as your Hope this season.
