Awaken: A Study on Purpose, Mission, and BoldnessЗагвар

Awaken: A Study on Purpose, Mission, and Boldness

21-с 9 дахь өдөр

Send Me

By Denise Trio

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)

Before the days of caller ID, when a friend or loved one called and we picked up the phone, we instantly recognized them by their voice. In this passage of Scripture, Isaiah was called by God. It’s a pivotal moment in Isaiah's life because this moment defined his purpose.

Isaiah hears the voice of the Lord. I've always wondered what God's voice sounds like. Is it deep and booming? Is it gentle and quiet? We won't be certain until we get to heaven, but we can be sure the voice of the Lord is identifiable.

The two questions the Lord asks Isaiah are fascinating. In the first question He uses “I,” and in the second He uses “us.” It seems contradictory to use both singular and plural pronouns to refer to Himself, but this is the language of the Trinity. It's the mystery that God is one being existing in three persons—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

What's also interesting is that God isn't commanding Isaiah to go or to be sent. The questions seek a volunteer. And since God is all powerful, why does He need someone to be sent or someone to go for Him? He could do it Himself. We know that God is at work, and we learn here that He invites His people to partner with Him in that work.

Isaiah emphatically responds to God’s invitation. “Send me!”

I want to point out that prior to this verse, Isaiah had encountered God. He experienced God’s holiness and sovereignty, and he honored Him. So, when God calls Isaiah and sends him out for his purpose, Isaiah responds quickly in obedience because he knew God. As a result, Isaiah’s prophecies impacted the entire nation of Israel. His words were spoken for people in antiquity and written down for us today. And best of all, so many of those words point to Jesus.

The character, nature, and work of God have not changed. He speaks to us. He sends us. He gives us His Holy Spirit to guide us. He doesn’t force or beg us. The supreme, all-powerful God of the universe invites us to partner with Him in the redemptive work He is doing on the earth. What an invitation!

We can encounter God like Isaiah did. We can know His character and understand His nature through the Bible. We can learn to identify His voice and respond immediately when He calls. When we say “Here I am. Send me!” we step into our purpose, and the best part is that it’s God who works in and through us to point others to the risen Jesus. 

Just like Isaiah, we can partner with Him as He sends us as ambassadors to reach our community and change our world. Watch for how the Holy Spirit wants to use you in your sphere!

Pause: What do you think God’s voice sounds like? How have you heard Him speak to you? What has He said?

Practice: If you haven’t heard God speak to you in a while, it might not be because He’s not speaking. God is speaking, moving, and working around you all of the time. Take time to meditate on today’s verse. Imagine what God’s voice is like. Reflect on His character of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Examine areas in your life where the Lord has protected you, provided for you, or comforted you. Thank Him for His work in your life. Be still and listen to what He might be saying to you.

Pray: Dear Lord, thank You for teaching me about who You are. Thank You for this deeper understanding of how You work. Thank You for inviting me to partner with You as You are at work in my life and in the lives of others around me. Even when I am afraid, unsure, or tired, I choose to obey and want to join You! Here am I, Lord. Send me. Amen!


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